Help Plz, Guppy Doesn't Good


New Member
Jun 13, 2012
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Hi, I have a female guppy who hasn't been herself for about a week now.
For a few days she was just lying about on the gravel & wouldn't even flinch if any other fish came near her. Her belly got quite large so I thought she might be gregnant, although her gravid spot was a reddy colour which I thought was strange. For the next few days she floated in the same place in the tank about 3" above the gravel and I cudnt say when she last ate as every night I feed my fish she isn't interested.
This morning she was still the same but i've just turned my light on about an hr ago and she is so so thin and her whole spine is like curved, she looks awful.
Would anyone have any idea what might be wrong with her???
Can I add that all my water stats are fine before anyone asks!
You should isolate the fish immediately in a different tank.

Which way is it curved?

One of my guppies became curve spined, a bit like a boomerang, and also became very tail heavy so he would rest vertically in the water.

I put him in a hospital tank and tried everything from swimbladder medicine to aquarium salts through to fish wormer. He seemed to improve for a bit but in the end n othing worked and I had to put him to sleep after a couple of weeks.

To be honest when guppies start to go wrong it seems near impossible to save them.
if she is pregnant then where the red is there should be small black dots and that are the eyes of the babies.

and most likely she will die.. probably old age or got a disease.. take her out you can treat her with meds, salts etc but most likely would survive..
as she has already been like this for a few days i would be getting out the clove oil :sad:
Unfortunately I dont have another tank that I can put her into. I am considering putting her to sleep as she really doesnt look good and she's not eating etc :(
She doesnt look pregnant anymore, she's gotten so thin within 4/5hrs and she has no belly now what so ever, compared to this morning she looked alot fuller.

Nightstar99- Her body looks like abit like a boomerang, its like her spine/back has went up into a hump.
Unfortunately I dont have another tank that I can put her into. I am considering putting her to sleep as she really doesnt look good and she's not eating etc :(
She doesnt look pregnant anymore, she's gotten so thin within 4/5hrs and she has no belly now what so ever, compared to this morning she looked alot fuller.

Nightstar99- Her body looks like abit like a boomerang, its like her spine/back has went up into a hump.

What are your exact water stats? Try putting her in a rubbermaid tub to quarantine her.
Nitrate/Nitrite - 0ppm
Ammonia - 0ppm
High Range pH - 7.4
pH - 7.6
Unfortunately I dont have another tank that I can put her into. I am considering putting her to sleep as she really doesnt look good and she's not eating etc :(
She doesnt look pregnant anymore, she's gotten so thin within 4/5hrs and she has no belly now what so ever, compared to this morning she looked alot fuller.

Nightstar99- Her body looks like abit like a boomerang, its like her spine/back has went up into a hump.

Yeah, thats what mine looked like. He seemed a bit bloated for a while too so I starved him for a few days but by that point he wouldn't really eat. He hung on for a long time and looked to be getting better at one point, but in the end his swimbladder totally gave out on him so I decided enough was enough.

I trawled the internet for hours looking up what could be wrong and treated for swimbladder, parasites, and also with garlic and aquarium salts. Nothing worked and it basically can be anything.

One thing which can be quite serious is fish TB, which is one thing which can cause a bent spine, so you should look into that and avoid skin contact with your water.

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