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  1. enchanted

    Been A While, But I'm Back

    Well at least someone remembers me! :P Thanks for all the welcome backs.
  2. enchanted

    Our Tanks

    Figured since I was back I should probably post pictures of our tanks. First, we have a Planted 125 Gallon. It's only been up around a week so the plants haven't fully settled in yet, but will. I won't bore you with a picture of our Algae Infested, no fish, 46 Gallon bowfront right now...
  3. enchanted

    Been A While, But I'm Back

    Yeah, looks like both of you joined after I did. I haven't been around since '05.... :(
  4. enchanted

    Been A While, But I'm Back

    I see the forums have changed quite a bit. New colors, not sure how well I like it. :( I kind of liked the blue w/ the fish for posts. :( Well, after having to sell all my tanks a few years ago I'm back. Actually I've been back since March just forgot about this form. :P I currently have a...
  5. enchanted

    My 29g Re-do~~lots Of Pics

    Actually at 2W (the low end) you don't need C02. It's going over 2W you do. But with stock lighting you can't even hit 1W per gallon.
  6. enchanted

    My 29g Re-do~~lots Of Pics

    To start with it "appears" you are still using the stock light. This isn't going to cut it for a nice planted tank. Stock lights average about .5W per gallon and you need around 2W to 4W per gallon. Visit if you want to retrofit your current hood or has some...
  7. enchanted

    Need Ideas - 46g Bowfront

    It's 50% Flourite and 50% tahitian Moon Sand. This isn't my first tank or planted tank. I'm just at a loss for what to do with this one.
  8. enchanted

    Need Ideas - 46g Bowfront

    Thought I had stated, but it's a 46 Gallon BowFront. I intend on adding more corys, after I've had the tank set up a bit. And it isn't to low tech. I'm running 1x96W Compact Flourescent for 2W per gallon at the moment.
  9. enchanted

    Need Ideas - 46g Bowfront

    Well, the tank is setup. I have 4 sword plants in it at the moment along with 2 pieces of driftwood, 2 Sunset Fire Gouramis and 3 Bronze Cory's. Now, I know I need to wait for the tank to cycle before doing anything else, but I'm sitting here at a loss. I'm looking for recommendations on...
  10. enchanted

    Back After A Long Siesta

    Well, got 20lbs of Flourite and 20lbs of Tahitian Moon Sand for a substrate. Picked up a 36" Satellite Compact Flourescent and it's up. :)
  11. enchanted

    Puffer Id Please. Seems you were told right.
  12. enchanted

    Back After A Long Siesta

    I'm waiting on our local fish store to open up now and going to go look at some plants, cycling fish, and substrate.
  13. enchanted

    Back After A Long Siesta

    Well, after moving two years ago into a studio apartment I had to give up my tanks. Well, I moved into a house in October and finally today have a new tank. It's not up yet, but it's here. All I need now is a proper light (looking at a CoraLife 1x96W) and some good Substrate. It's a 46...
  14. enchanted

    Been a while....

    Unless some nice Fish Forums member helps I think I will wait a few weeks (maybe a month) and see about picking up a 29 or 40 gallon (36").
  15. enchanted

    Been a while....

    I'm in Boise, Idaho. Not as worried about a stand, I can always through something together (my father has a stack of redwood next to his garage about 3 ft. high and 4ft. wide of all 2x6 from a deck my step-brother tore apart). I'm not even as worried about filteration/lighting as those I will...
  16. enchanted

    Been a while....

    Probably not. :( I'm actually considering just picking up a 10 Gallon kit for the moment. :/ Only $39.95 and I can afford that. I haven't been able to find anything used local for less than $100.00. :(
  17. enchanted

    Been a while....

    On a side note, I made a bunch of changes to the site today. I could really use some input and some help with content. As I don't have a tank at the moment some of it isn't easy to put together.
  18. enchanted

    Been a while....

    It was outside in there backyard empty with everything sitting in it. Why is a good question, I have no clue why someone would steal a fish tank considering without a stand they don't sell well used. Right now I'm trying to find pricing on just a 29 Gallon tank, then see how little I can set...
  19. enchanted

    Been a while....

    Well, back to the drawing board on a tank. :( Called my father where I had left the 29 Gallon with filters, fake plants, hood, etc... and found out it has been stolen. :( So, I now have to start looking for a tank, probably going to buy new as all the ones in the classifieds here are way over...
  20. enchanted

    Been a while....

    I did notice my signature, but figured I might as well leave it since as yvez9 Christmas is only 3 months away. :P The 29 Gallon isn't setup yet. I need to build a stand for it and then I will be setting it up. I'm also probably going to spend a good 10 hours cleaning the glass as this is a...
  21. enchanted

    Been a while....

    I've been gone a while because I was put into a position I had to move and ended up moving to a smaller house. I had to sell my 125 Gallon, along with my 2 55 Gallons, my 30 gallon, etc.... I'm down to a single 29 Gallon which I haven't setup yet, but have found I have room to setup a 55...
  22. enchanted

    co2 affecting fish?

    It has been proven that airstones do not add any viable amount of oxygen to the water and CO2 has no relationship to the amount of O2 in the water. What you need to watch for is an overdose of CO2, but if you do it right this will not happen. When I say do it right I mean add 1 bottle, monitor...
  23. enchanted

    filter or air pump?

    An Air Pump is not a good choice for a planted tank. You need a filter, preferably one that does not create a lot of surface agitation. I agree with Tempestuousfury in the sense that turning it off at night is a very bad idea. Also, bluefire is right in that you adjust to the sound and...
  24. enchanted

    My bio wheel isn't moving

    Actually, Lateral is wrong in this sense if it is a MarineLand one. They still follow the same guidelines they did on non-biowheel filters for size of the filter due to the mechanical filteration. But, you still want the Bio-Wheel. When I had this problem MarineLand told me to put the...
  25. enchanted

    Green Hair Algea

    Another thing to check is your water parameters. Rapid Algae growth is usually a sign of too much nutrients in the water. If you can trace down which one it can help to clear it up.
  26. enchanted

    Help needed from Fluval Canister Owners!

    Well, update. I have output again so I am wondering if maybe it is just clogged. What would anyone recommend for media?
  27. enchanted

    Help needed from Fluval Canister Owners!

    I went to do my water change tonight and noticed my flow was off considerably from what it should be and was just trickeling. I immediately checked for any leaks or any wet spots and found none. Now, here is my problem. At the moment if I tear it apart I have no way to restart it. I recieved...
  28. enchanted

    OMG this algae is driving me nuts!

    All water conditioners normally do is remove chlorine, unless you are talking about a special one I don't know about, but that could potentially damage plants also as Algae uses the same nutrients, etc... that plants do. Do you have your test kits? How about posting some test results including...
  29. enchanted

    Is there a loach that can go in a 10 gal

    I have 2 Kuhli Loaches that have been alive and well for almost a month and were at the LFS for over a month before that. The other local LFS and both Petsmarts here stock them and have no problems with them dieing. Kuhlis are actually easy to care for but I would not put them in a 10 Gallon...
  30. enchanted

    I can not breed swordtails

    You don't need special lighting and CO2 for live plants. Many live plants, such as Anubias, crypts, Java Fern, and Java Moss, will grow great in low light tanks as long as they recieve 10 to 12 hours light a day.
  31. enchanted

    Hygro Polysperma question

    What I was refering to is if you are going to provide advice to someone asking about Nutrients then you need to research so you answer properly, not just some sporadic answer that you believe based off your tank. When someone just asks for advice on what will grow, what I need that is one...
  32. enchanted

    Green Hair Algea

    Before making a statement about hours please research. In a planted tank lights should be on 10 to 12 hours a day. The most Popular Algae Eating Shrimp are Amano Shrimp and Cherry Shrimp. Also, Siamese Algae Eaters are the only fish Algae Eaters I know of that eat Hair Algae. These are NOT...
  33. enchanted

    Discus VS mp3 player? Or maybe darts.

    Throughout all my research here and on pure discus forums I have never heard this. And I have heard of many people keeping discus alone or in pairs on a regular basis, especially breeding pairs. I've also seen many people here recommend the purchase of only 2 discus. Now, that being said you...
  34. enchanted

    GSP - this section or the other ?

    GSP are a Brackish Water Fish. Although they can survive in Freshwater it will shorten their life and they are then more sucseptible to disease. They require frozen, fresh, or live foods. They do not require soley live foods, but they won't eat flakes.
  35. enchanted

    Hygro Polysperma question

    People really need to research their plants. :/ Hygrophila Polysperma - aka Tropic Sunset Hygro - Turns Pinkish Red when the tank has low nitrates. This does not mean there is a definciency, but it does slow growth of any hygro which are "nutrient sponges" and that is also why they are fast...
  36. enchanted

    Which is the hardier choice?

    Corys are a hardy fish. For those who have had corys die on them, it could have been a bad batch from the LFS. I have 7 that went through an ammonia spike and a Nitrite spike in my 55 Gallon at one point. They are now in my 125. From the time I purchased them about 4 Months ago I have lost...
  37. enchanted

    More tank shots

    Thanks everyone. :) I'm running 384 Watts for 3.072, but my lighting isn't as effective as it should be because I haven't switched the bulbs out for 6700k. I'm currently running the 10,000k and Actnic that came with it. Every plant in that tank is real, it has only rocks, plants, and...
  38. enchanted

    4x65w power compact on a 55g

    You are not going to blow yourself up with Pressurized CO2. The most common problem with it is tanks tipping over and ruining regulators, but that doesn't happen often. As soon as I have the funds available (after christmas) I'm switching to pressurized for the simple reason it creates a more...
  39. enchanted

    4x65w power compact on a 55g

    First, Gasping and being at the top is not usually a sign of CO2 posioning, but more a lack of oxygen. CO2 Posioning is usually shown by the fish being at the bottom of the tank. I use a Inline Reactor with my canister that achieves 100% dissolution with two bottles. On my 55 I used an airstone.
  40. enchanted

    4x65w power compact on a 55g

    First, you will have to have CO2 or you will have an Algae haven. That is the trade off. Secondly, DIY will cost you about the same for Pressurized as a Pressurized system from say It isn't cheap and to be honest, unless you are ready to lay out a Few hundered you would...