Discus VS mp3 player? Or maybe darts.

what should i buy with £50

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  • discus

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I spent less than £50 on my mp3 player on eBay and it's fantastic.

if you say so. :huh:
i just bought an iRiver H320 20GB for my daughter for Christmas.
what a beautiful machine.
though it did cost a bit more than £50
I can afford 3 discus and a mp3 player. Hum what should i do? 3 discus and 3 angels is ok right. Should be they are both ciclids.

That last comment is completely and absolutely wrong - 'both cichlids' doesn't mean anything, cichlids are actually notorious for being incompatable with each other, and this is the biggest begginer mistake of all.

That said, angels and discus are compatable, but make sure the tank is big enough, as they occupy the same space. Discus themselves are notorious for being tempermental - I highly recommend trying just the discus first - the tank should be well understocked, and the water impeccable at all times.

OK, that's out of my system.

Properly cared for, the Discus will long outlast the mp3 player, which will be yesterday's technology tomorrow. Just a thought. Cheers!
Yes my tank is a juwel rio 180. I will have the following in with the discus.

4 silver tips
4 or more neons
2 blue king.



1 Bristlenose
1king tiger plec.


4 albino cory.

3/4 discus.

I/my dad.says that this will be ok. The discus are small just like my angels. So they will get there terratory when they grow up/pair off.

maestro said:
Discus need to be in shoals and you cant get 6 for £50 so i think you should get a mp3 player if thats what you want or save up
Throughout all my research here and on pure discus forums I have never heard this. And I have heard of many people keeping discus alone or in pairs on a regular basis, especially breeding pairs.

I've also seen many people here recommend the purchase of only 2 discus.

Now, that being said you did not provide enough information for me to make a reasonable choice. You said nothing of water parameters, whether the discus are in the same water you have, etc....

Without knowing this, I would choose the MP3 player because at least I would know for fact it wouldn't die in 2 weeks due to stress and water parameters. Now, if all the water parameters were good, I would definitely consider Discus as my choice.
You dont have to have 6 in a should. You have six so you may get a breding piar in which you get good money for. Temperature should be 80-84c but some discus keepers have been known to put it up to 90c. :thumbs:


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