Help needed from Fluval Canister Owners!


Fish Herder
Sep 21, 2004
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I went to do my water change tonight and noticed my flow was off considerably from what it should be and was just trickeling.

I immediately checked for any leaks or any wet spots and found none.

Now, here is my problem. At the moment if I tear it apart I have no way to restart it.

I recieved this used and the primer was fairly worn and broke on me, along with this I broke the aquastop handles. I had not ordered replacements yet since it was the holidays and figured I would just let it run.

Well, that isn't an option now. Luckily I'm still running a Penguin 330 on this tank.

If it wasn't for bills I would just order up an Eheim, but that is not an option at this point.

So Monday night (after I get paid) I'm placing an order with bigals since no one locally has the parts in stock I need.

Based of what is transpiring and that I can still feel the impeller running I have put these in my list, if there is anything you can think of please tell me.

Fluval Intake Strainer With Check Valve
Fluval Aqua Stop with Handle For 104-404
Fluval Intake Stem(104-404)
Fluval Self Primer Assembly
Big Al's Filter Floss-10 Sq.Ft.

Also, I have read both yes and no to carbon. Should I run carbon? Currently I am just running the ceramic bio, filter floss, and carbon but had intended on removing the carbon.

Any help/advice appreciated.
Well, update. I have output again so I am wondering if maybe it is just clogged. What would anyone recommend for media?
ive a couple of a external fluvals on the go on different tanks, if their was any spare parts that would be of most important to me other than what u have already mentiond it would be the rubber O,seal might be worth ordering. as for media i like having large amount of bio max for a larger population of benificial bacteria, and only use carbon as and when i need it. ;)
our flow drops of drmaticaly when the floss is full of poop.

I've removed it for the moment to increase the flow for a while.

My money is on poop.

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