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    Too Much Or Too Little Tapwater Conditioner?

    im th same always over dose just to be sure
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    Massive Problem

    hi all i have i think any way a massive problem i think my tank is leaking im away from home and the wife just rang to say there is water on the stand and on the carpet but nothing running down the sides now i cant remember if i spilt any water on saturday morning doing wy weekely water change...
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    Kribensis Compatability

    hi i have a male and female krib in my tank with dwarf gourami a red tailed shark congo tetras and a plec and they all get a long fine im not sure about the mating pair of kribs though
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    2 Maybe 3 Fish Dead

    Your other fish may have had a feast
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    What Is Growing In My Tank?

    Im on a mobile so picture looks bad but could be hair alge ?
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    Commons get big really fast had mine a month or so and he has almost trebeled in that time
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    New Fish Ideas?

    kribensis are nice fish colourful i just got a pair and are fun to watch they are well chilled out and bother no one else
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    Congo Tetra

    Help can any one tell me any tell tale signs when Congo tetras are spawning
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    Imo you will be fine with a beistlenose
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    New Tank Mates?

    Would kribs and rams live together ?
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    New Tank Mates?

    Im planning on keeping both tanks running the plec is still a baby at the min but growing fast lol . so was looking for a couple more fish the Congo tetras are been rehomed as i rescued them
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    New Tank Mates?

    Its a common one and going in my 6ft when i get it
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    New Tank Mates?

    Im after some new fish i currently have 2 dwarf gourami 2 danios 2 mollies 2 Congo tetra soon too be rehomed a red tailed black shark and a plec .. i have a 110l tank and was thinking of a couple of rams or a couple or kribs what does every one think
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    Acrylic Vs Glass

    so i have started to look for another tank and wondered what peoples opinions and prefrences were between acrylic and glass tanks is it true that acrylic is more clear than glass ???
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    Filter Current

    i just bought a new filter and likr you the flow of it was just too powerful mine came with a spray bar even with this on was still powerful so widened the holes out in the spray bay ant now its a perfect flow if yours came with a spray bar maybe this might help
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    Stocking? New Tank. 20 Gallon

    That sounds good too me but think your supposed to have about six kuhli loaches together to keep them happy only what i heard on here though
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    Its not me who Willie killing the fish lol . the common plec will go in my new tank when i get it . Im gonna go get the fish tonight and keep them in my 110 for now Stupid phone sorry ment will be
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    dry it all up and maybe lower your water level and wait too see if it continues ?
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    ok heres my problem i have a 110l tank with 2 mollies 2 danios 2 dwarf gourami a common plec and a red tail shark im being given 2 congo tetras from a friend who is moving house he has these two fish left i said that they will get two big for my tank and he has said he cant find these congos a...
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    Congo Tetra

    hi yeah just rally wanted to know how thery are with other fish . im ment to be getting two of them i hav a 110l tank with 2 dwarf gouramis 2 mollies 2 danios a a common plec and a red tail shark and really will i have enough room.. im getting a new tank in the next thew months either 5 or 6 ft...
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    Congo Tetra

    Hi all just wondered what people thought about congo tetras as i am getting some given at the weekend
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    Is It Me

    am i going mad ? i think i have developed OCD with fish keeping our lass thinks im weird because all i seem to talk about is my fish tank and fish . im guessing its me as i have just bought a fish tank game on my phone ... ant one else like this or is it just me lol ??
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    Gravel To Sand

    like FISH ADDICT just said wash wash wash the sand when you think its washed wash it some more i changed mine from gravel to sand at the weekend i remove all the gravel first then added my sand which i thought was washed but not enough now i think as my tank clouded up quite bad . sand is def...
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    What Else

    The plec is getting big rather fast so when my front room is modeled and decorated i plan for a six foot tank hopefully in the next two months lol . the danios are mental i think i will rehome them as i want a chilled out tank lol
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    What Else

    Its a common one i no they get big but he is only in this tank for a few month till i get my big one
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    What Else

    Yeah i thought people may say that but there is quite a lot of space . also thought about Bolivia rams but don't no a lot about them
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    Which Substrate Do You Prefer And Why?

    Just changed from gravel to sand my tank looks miles better and my fish love it cheap and cheerful
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    What Else

    I was after something a little more adventurous to be honest thought about a couple of angels though ?
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    What Else

    Hi all i want too add some more fish but don't no what i have a 110 liter tank with 2 dwarf gourami 2 mollies 2danios and a plec any suggestions would be great
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    Red Dwarf Gourami

    My DG does it as well he has a tendency to strip something of the plants then take it up to the filter and let it go then keep repeating it lol like a game of fetch lol My DG does it as well he has a tendency to strip something of the plants then take it up to the filter and let it go then keep...
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    Filter Flow Rate

    Tried removing the spray bar and its worse lol . just made the holes bigger in the bar and its spot on thank you
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    Filter Flow Rate

    Its internal with spray bar i thought about drilling out the spray bar but thought i was being stupid lol thanks for the info
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    Filter Flow Rate

    Hi all i bought a new filter and Im finding it to powerful for my tank is there any way i can reduce the flow rate in it
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    Thanks guys my tank was looking like the amazon river but clearing now
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    Hi all i just changed the substrate in my tank from gravel to sand now here's the problem my water has gone cloudy from the sand i washed and washed and washed it . but still cloudy . should i leave the filter on or off so as to let the sand settle ?
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    Filters Air Pumps Heaters Bits And Bobs

    I have a 110 liter tank so for that really are they quiet
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    Various Air Pumps & Filters

    Hi do you still have the air pump for sale
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    Filters Air Pumps Heaters Bits And Bobs

    Hi do you have any of your air pumps left
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    Cheers guys i spent my afternoon sat like a sniper waiting for them to show there pesky shells and give em a good kicking when they did lol
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    Help i have been attacked by snails what should i do