

New Member
Apr 3, 2012
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Hi all i just changed the substrate in my tank from gravel to sand now here's the problem my water has gone cloudy from the sand i washed and washed and washed it . but still cloudy . should i leave the filter on or off so as to let the sand settle ?
Really does depend on what you call washed, my sand didt clear for over a week the first time in ended up doing a water change to solve it. I can spend 40 min sometimes washing a bucket of sand which now clears within 24 hours
With my sand I had very little clouding. My filter was turned on within an hour and the tank was cleared in no time at all. Love the sand so much more than gravel.
Thanks guys my tank was looking like the amazon river but clearing now
I cleaned my sand for about an hour before I put it in to avoid this very problem ahahh. Will be pretty easy to clear up though :)
Patience is they key when changing to sand, you can't wash it enough.
It should settle in a few days, you could do some water changes being careful not to disturb it

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