New Tank Mates?


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
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Im after some new fish i currently have 2 dwarf gourami 2 danios 2 mollies 2 Congo tetra soon too be rehomed a red tailed black shark and a plec .. i have a 110l tank and was thinking of a couple of rams or a couple or kribs what does every one think
danios and the congo tetra should be increased as the priority - minimum 6 for each.

Which plec do you have exactly?
Its a common one and going in my 6ft when i get it
in that case I would hold fire on adding any fish until you get the 6ft tank. Then you can stock based on the much bigger one instead, with all the increased options that size gives you.
Im planning on keeping both tanks running the plec is still a baby at the min but growing fast lol . so was looking for a couple more fish the Congo tetras are been rehomed as i rescued them
ok, in that case a couple of either kribs or rams is doable.....I'd strongly recommend Bolivian Rams.....they can look quite drab in the shops but colour up beautifully when happy in their new home. They are also a lot less delicate than their more brightly coloured cousins.
they can.....but it might not work out, especially if either set start to breed.

Also, with a 110L tank, there might not be enough floor space for all four to co-inhabit. Could work, but might not.

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