Search results

  1. M

    Various Plants For Sale

    £5 for what exactly the 10-15 crypts? or everything?
  2. M

    Grassy Plant Id

    Looks like dwarf hair grass. Its been cut at the front and left to grow at the back. I have made a carpet out out this and have just one tip. CO2
  3. M

    Cloudy Fish Tank Fish, Shrimps And Snails At Tip Of Tank.

    Firstly you should have cycled. Adding livestock so soon is harmful for them so in future take a look at the beginners centre on this forum. Secondly, shrimps are sensitive to any amounts of ammonia(fish waste) and nitrites that build up if a tank is not cycled. The cloudy water is indeed a...
  4. M

    Cheap Option For Co2?

    TNC do a small starter kit bit in the end, in terms of lifetime and base cost extinguisher
  5. M

    Can Fish Flakes Be Used Llong After Expiry Date?

    should be fine if stored in a dry place.
  6. M

    Java Fern Plantlets

    They should be fine as long as they aren't getting thrown around by the current.
  7. M

    Question About Changing Water!?

    If I hold water for top ups from evaporation I just leave some sit in a container overnight. Chlorine evaporates itself over time.
  8. M

    Using Fishless For The First Time

    Add stock slowly. 1-2 fish at a time. A huge amount added too soon will over-encumber the bacteria and possibly kill the fish.
  9. M

    Need A New Camera. Idea's?

    Lumix is a reputable company for good cameras
  10. M

    Where Can I Get These Nw

    Try mail ordering them from Tyne Valley aquatics
  11. M

    Ghost Shrimp

    Baby shrimp are very small. Half a centimetre mine are right now and if fish are present they will hide. Just give it time and try not to move the shrimp too much as any stress the female will abandon the eggs. Good Luck
  12. M

    Please Sign

    As the Human population rises there will always be times where something needs to be sacrificed to feed our expansion and need for electricity. This dam might be rejected but there will be many more situations like it.
  13. M

    30 Ltr Biorb

    Keep an eye of the Free Ads, there is usually one on there
  14. M

    Nitrite Emergency?

    I'm pretty sure that the bottled bacteria has traces of Nitrites in it too feed the bacteria when they enter your tank. Double dosing it could potentially mean you are adding it.
  15. M

    Cherry Shrimp Breeding Behavior?

    Before the saddle on the back moves towards the back of her body to become eggs the female will molt, like any shrimp a molt is a risky situation and they are at their most vulnerable. She is most probably hiding untill her new exoskeleton becomes hard.
  16. M

    Cleaning Tank While Cycling Help!

    The rotting food waste you are pulling up is the bacteria's primary source of food. EDIT: And that cloudy water is most probably a bacterial bloom.
  17. M

    My Juwel 600

    Hey Gavin nice looking tank, I have one myself. Have you ever thought about changing the Gravel? IMO A black substrate would bring the colours of the fish out my better.
  18. M

    Guppy Fry And Bloodworms...

    They should be fine on the flake. If you are that worried go out and buy some frozen Daphnia, fry love that.
  19. M

    Carpeting My Tank

    I would first go with some Dwarf Sag. It will form a carpet easily
  20. M

    Is My Betta Lazy Or Is Something Wrong?

    is your water current too powerful. Remember that in the wild these fish live in small still puddles
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    Cherry Shrimps will breed and breed but unlike snails will be eaten by fish. If your tank is stocked with fish then you can likely to not have a population problem.
  22. M

    June 2012 Fish Of The Month Competition Entries.....

    Great looking fish there. Dwarf Cichlids are amazing imo
  23. M

    June 2012 Fish Of The Month Competition Entries.....

    Use to upload the pictures and then use the link here
  24. M

    Fertilizer For Plants?

    Before wasting money first identify what is causing your plants to die...not enough light, water parameters not tailored to the plant...etc. My guess is that you have chosen advanced plants which are more needy than others. For a fert I would recommend TNC Complete (Google it)
  25. M

    How To Do A Water Change?

    The amount of water you change depends on the number of fish. The more fish the more waste resulting in higher nitrates, these if too high can poison a fish. I do about a 20% change every week on my tanks which means fresh water with minerals and less waste. To do a 20% w/c you would need to...
  26. M

    Might Start Again!

    40L doesn't really sound all that big. They set up territories and the more space you give them the better
  27. M

    Shrimp And Ferts With Copper

    I dose non lite TNC and shrimps are fine.
  28. M

    Root Tabs

    1 root tab for every 30cm of tank is my rule. so you would need to place 4 accordingly
  29. M

    Bamboo / Mountain Shrimp

    These shrimp can grow quite large and prefer if your tank has a good current. I've seen ones at around 2.5" in my LFS
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    Dwarf Gourami Dying

    Dwarf Gouramis are prone to a bacterial infection. It's probably too late but your best bet is to keep the water good quality and hope for the best.
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    Crypt Id!

  32. M

    Hot Water

    Hot water has a very low amount of oxygen. This can kill a fish so I would maybe an airstone/venturi device to make sure the O2 level stays safe.
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    Can You Cycle A New Filter

    Run them both for 2 weeks then try and stuff as much of the old media(sponges) into the new one. You can cut the sponges to fit.
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    Which Lighting Is Better?

    Aren't blue tubes only for marine? I've heard you shouldn't use them in freshwater. On a side note, I carpeted a 8Litre with hairgrass and the one tip I can give is to keep it free form Algae otherwise the plant suffocates.
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    Having A Rant

    I hate how some people don't even consider a fish to be an animal and that they are "easily replaced". When owning a fish you are taking on just as much responsibility as if you were looking after a Rabbit.
  36. M

    A Slightly Mad Idea?

    You.....collect.....skulls...... -_-
  37. M

    Filter Media

    Try SeaChem Matrix. It is by far the best Bio Media I have ever used