

Fish Fanatic
Apr 3, 2012
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a quick and easy question. Are shrimp a good idea to keep and do they breed like snails because i really don't want that problem!!
I've had shrimp for months now and they have not bread, just tripled is size!
Cherry Shrimps will breed and breed but unlike snails will be eaten by fish. If your tank is stocked with fish then you can likely to not have a population problem.
I personally like the idea of lots of shrimp - they have a tiny bioload and usually make a good scavenging clean up crew, as well as interesting additions to setups. One day I'd love a small nano shrimp tank with loads of the little guys. Unsure about wood shrimp, think I might seen them in a local store though.
I have 3 mollies, 2 dwarf gouramis and 4 rummy nose tetras. will any of those eat them?
I had cherry shrimp that my Beta developed a taste for and i lost them all. I replaced them with what was labelled as Bamboo/wood shrimp, which i believe can also be called rock shrimp. Although they dont have the brightnesss of the cherry shrimp they have some very intresting colouration and are very intresting to watch feeding. They are much larger and my Beta isnt intrested one bit.


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