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  1. S

    Bba's Rio 350L Marine Tank

    great looking set up, very similar rock formation to mine :good:
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    haven't updated in some time now,so i'll fill you in.Shortly after the goby and shrimp I came across a blue jaw trigger fish in a lfs that i really liked.I read up on them and they are reef safe and peaceful so I went for it.A great looking fish and a good character or so I thought!!after about...
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    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    The gramma is a fantastic looking fish!! great colours Dave
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    Jewel Vision 180 Reef Set Up

    Tank looks great.Will be interesting to see how the new additions get on with your lighting,I'm gonna have to upgrade soon and have considered a diy led unit but a 4 or 6 tube T5 might be all I can afford at the moment.Trumpet looks excellent :good: Dave
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    Well I have got a couple of new additions in my tank,I had asked my lfs to get me a Yellow watchman goby and pistol shrimp.They were due in last Tuesday so I dropped in on Wednesday and he told me his supplier didn't have a YWG/shrimp paired but he did have a yasha goby/shrimp pair.I had not...
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    Ha ye I usually have to go through my pics and delete the ones with the apple logo on them!!!! Dave
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    Hi Brady at the minute I am still using standard T5's and 2 strips of led's I got off ebay.I will need a serious upgrade down the line for hard coral :good: Dave Good stuff L appreciate the confirmation :good: Dave
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    What do you think it is then L ? I have searched through google images and there is some identical to mine that are being called gsp and also some that look different.I would value your opinion if you get the chance. Dave
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    I have picked up another 2 corals,a palm tree polyp and some green star polyps.All corals seem to be very happy so far.At first I had the palm tree up high and 2 mornings in a row I found it on the sand bed so that is where it now resides. :rolleyes: I am having a lot of fun moving things...
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    Llj's 8G... Yuma/zoanthid Garden

    I am now more impatient than ever for my goby/shrimp pair to come into my lfs!!! That's a great looking fish L !! Dave
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    Llj's 8G Oceanic Biocube

    Great looking fish,I love his face he looks so angry ha!!!! Dave
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    They don't really interact with each other at all so far,the wrasse is a great looking fish and he never stays still!!! Dave
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    The yellow polyps are doing great for me,I try target feed them with brineshrimp and keep them in a good flow. The wrasse seems fine so far,he has barely even acknowledged the clowns he's too busy darting in and around the rocks!! He is still quite small though not much bigger than the clowns...
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    Its been a while since I've done an update,I've been very busy with work but I've been taking care of the tank so don't worry lol!! I didn't make any additions over the last couple of weeks,so today I picked up a stubby finger leather and a toadstool leather.I ordered a yellow watchman goby and...
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    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    tank is coming along great,at a very similar stage to mine.It's amazing how much the mushrooms grow ,mine have doubled in size in a week!!! Dave
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    Aquarium Visit

    I visited a local(ish) aquarium called sea life over the weekend,not the biggest compared to what other countries would have i'd imagine but very interesting all the same.I took some pics with my phone so I'll throw up some of the ones that came out ok for those of youu interested. Dave
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    Llj's 8G Oceanic Biocube

    He is a really great looking fish!! the colours in your tank are absolutely amazing!! :good: Dave
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    Todays update; a few additions over the weekend that I'm very pleased with. Red coral mushies Yellow button polyps Pair of ocellaris clowns hard to get a shot they are very active!! The tank is a lot better to look at already,it's amazing what a bit of colour can do!! Thanks for...
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    Talked to my LFS today about getting more rock and he assured me I have enough,It was him that sold me what I have and its probably more than the 30kg I was charged for.There is quite a bit in the sump also.I expected him to jump at the chance of selling more but in fairness he didn't LOL!!Tank...
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    I bought salifert ammonia and phosphate test kits today.Ammonia is at 0 and phosphates are .03.Cleaned the glass with a magfloat so I can bear to look at tank again!!! I also added in 4kg of medium marine gravel on top of the live sand,I think it looks a lot better this way,also got another...
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    My CUC has cleaned up my rock really well,but they haven't really gone near the glass.Should I just clean it myself or is there something I could add to my CUC to tackle it?? Also do I have enough live rock (30 kilo) or should I be looking at more?? If I need more I would prefer to put it in...
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    Llj's 8G Oceanic Biocube

    fantastic little tank , I love the way you break the rules and get away with it ha!! experience makes you wise!!! Dave
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    My Anenome

    That is seriously impressive,a real credit to you!!! Dave
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    Thats exactly what it is Tyler I have read your journal.I find the journals a great way to learn on here,saves you asking silly embarassing questions ha!! I added 2 hermits,3 turban snails and a turbo snail today.I hope they're hungry!! Dave
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    Just came in from work and the sand is all brown and so is the rock.I'm getting all the same readings of 0.Is it even possible for the water to be cycled already?? Live rock is only in 9 days!! is it possible to add a CUC yet? Dave
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    Ha yeah I don't have a camera just my iphone.Its just a little growth on the rock like a transparent leaf.I thought the readings were strange too its an API test kit which I know some people dont rate and it is a freshwater kit but it should be ok for No2,No3 and Ammonia.I tested again this...
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    tonight's readings PH 8.2 Ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 salinity 1.024 My rock was well cured,should I be doing a large water change now and testing again or just wait to see if there's an ammonia spike ?? this little fella has been swaying around in the flow Dave
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    Juwel Rio 300 Tropical To Marine Conversion

    Hi Steve I have just started my conversion with a rio300 as well.I used my old rio125 for my sump,and I drilled the back of the tank and used bulkheads so that I wouldnt need a weir box in my can see pictures on my blog.Good luck and make sure you put up pics of your progress. :good: Dave
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    Cheers L, I got the rock off my LFS who took it in from a mature setup.I haven't seen any hitch hikers yet ,only been 3 days(bit disappointed about that).I put in 10kg of live sand and aragonite tonight,but it will need more(maybe after next payday).I am still waiting to get my marine bulbs,but...
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    Thank you for your comment I am really enjoying myself so far!! The drilling of the glass is a lot easier than I thought it would be,and the pipework is the easy part for me I build industrial size RO's for the pharma industry for a living :good: Dave
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    today's update Ammonia .25 ph 8.1 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5.0 salinity 1.024 Dave
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    so I am now the proud owner of some pet rocks!!![/IMG] Dave
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    I just done a dry mock up of my pipework tonight,I'm short a couple of elbows,a NRV for supply and a sump!!!! Picking sump up tomorrow so I'll probably fix pipework then.. Dave
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    Llj's 4G Now 5.5G... A Little Patch Of Sun!

    sorry to hear about your leaking tank it was a real beauty,I hope your new one will be even better!!! Dave
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    Tyler's 29Gal. Tank Project!

    Just read through this blog ,tank is great!!! Dave
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    I know what you mean it's a juwel cabinet,but I'd still have to cut that door down too Dave
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    I dropped off a 125L tank today to get baffles put in for my sump,so I got to work on the cabinet.This was the bit I was dreading the most!! But it came together ok I think.I cut out the inner sections so the tank can fit and reinforced with 50x50 timber. How it was uprights in and inner...
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    Dave's First Marine Tank

    Thanks for your comment,with regards to stocking I am not 100%.I will be going very slowly with this,I will probably have it running with just live rock for a good while before anything goes in.I imagine I'll start with a pair of clowns.Then long term I'd like to start adding corals,I only have...