Llj's 8G... Yuma/zoanthid Garden

My shrimp always manages to open the hole back up. I just wait to feed until I see him poke out. They know when I am home, they can feel it from me walking on the floor and the dogs prancing about when I arrive. So they come out and get some food!

My royal gramma has lost all of his scaredycat behavior and comes out all the time now =) love it!


The goby is getting used to things, though not as quickly as my jawfish and firefish have. Those two are bosom buddies and eat like pigs. The Mandarin is actually a bit of a surprise. He's quite extroverted, though in an understated Mandarin sort of way.

Yes, we'll continue to work on Zoddyzod and This Old Spouse. I suspect they'll be sporting their own Marine tanks soon enough. All part of the Master plan...


I am now more impatient than ever for my goby/shrimp pair to come into my lfs!!! That's a great looking fish L !!

That really is quite unusual for a mandarin - both if the ones that I owned were like the cats of the fish world - looked like they tolerated you but thought they were so much superior to you!

That is one lovely goby - and a great pic. Like a bulldog chewing a wasp!
What kind of Mandarins did you own?

Yeah, it's a great goby. I like it. In many ways, the coolest of the gobies I've had.

Today, I have to empty the refugiums for this tank & the 5.5g. I'm just going to dump it in the quarantine tank for now. I just can't toss it & the light in the quarantine actually grows macro rather well. :rolleyes: I just seem to have a knack for the green stuff.

I had the green/psychedelic variety. First one lived for years and would eat anything. When it eventually died (of old age I assume - as nothing had changed & there were no other casualties) and after a suitable period of mourning I replaced it with another who I tried every trick in the book to get it feeding which it wouldn't and faded quite quickly :sad:
Yes, we'll continue to work on Zoddyzod and This Old Spouse. I suspect they'll be sporting their own Marine tanks soon enough. All part of the Master plan...



Can I be in the plan? I need a pico!
I had the green/psychedelic variety. First one lived for years and would eat anything. When it eventually died (of old age I assume - as nothing had changed & there were no other casualties) and after a suitable period of mourning I replaced it with another who I tried every trick in the book to get it feeding which it wouldn't and faded quite quickly :sad:

It's always rough to lose a fish. I kinda feel this way about the gramma. I'm not sure I want to replace him. The green ones are lovely. I thought about it, but I was very picky about them eating pellets.

Yes, we'll continue to work on Zoddyzod and This Old Spouse. I suspect they'll be sporting their own Marine tanks soon enough. All part of the Master plan...



Can I be in the plan? I need a pico!

Sure! Welcome aboard! As long as you are willing to be slave to its demanding needs, sure.
More videos... Because it's awesome.

YWG attacking a snail, or trying too. He doesn't really get it.


Spotted Mandarin, well... being all dragonetty...


Thanks for looking.

So Cute. I love the goby. His color is just so crazy! lol. Love your tanks =)

So Cute. I love the goby. His color is just so crazy! lol. Love your tanks =)


I hope she does well. The color is just so different and she has a wonderful personality. Much more active than my other YWG.

you said it.... Awesome!!!

Thank you, I've some work to do with the tanks today. I will begin some of the work on the upgrade soon with this tank. I'll probably buy the filter/refugium, the aquarium sealant, and the refugium light.

Ok, cancel the upgrade, part of me really wants to watch this one grow and develop as is. :)

Don't worry, I've got plans for the 63l tank... :shifty:
Yes, I'm very happy that I can see this tank continue to grow. I'll be ordering the 20k bulb for it very soon. Thank you PayPal! I said I wouldn't get a new fish, but I did... I caved. I saw this little guy in the coral store that I go to, he was in a tank with another spotted goby and a goby, so I felt comfortable getting him. They can be aggressive, neon dottybacks... But he doesn't seem to be.


Very different sort of fish from the gramma.

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