Dave's First Marine Tank

I still don't run a skimmer.

Glad to hear the CUC is taking care of your diatoms! Glass, yes the magfloat does wonders. Just make sure you get the right one for glass or acrylic w/e one u have so you don't scratch!

I bought salifert ammonia and phosphate test kits today.Ammonia is at 0 and phosphates are .03.Cleaned the glass with a magfloat so I can bear to look at tank again!!!
I also added in 4kg of medium marine gravel on top of the live sand,I think it looks a lot better this way,also got another powerhesd in there so I have just over x20 turnover :good:

couple of phone pics I took tonight





thanks for looking!!

Looking good sir! I would add more rock if you can. It is a great filter for your water, which you have a lot of. Just make sure to cure it before putting any in the tank of course. What is your stocking list you are looking to have? What kind of corals/inverts? etc?

Talked to my LFS today about getting more rock and he assured me I have enough,It was him that sold me what I have and its probably more than the 30kg I was charged for.There is quite a bit in the sump also.I expected him to jump at the chance of selling more but in fairness he didn't LOL!!Tank looks so much cleaner now with the extra powerhead and clean glass.I'm thinking I'll get my parameters double checked by LFS at the weekend and then Look at stocking.I have some ideas on fish but corals/inverts I still need to research more (any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!)

Fish I'm thinking about are:

2x clowns (I have no choice on these!!)
watchman goby/pistol shrimp
orchid dottyback
midas blenny
kole tang (size could rule this out)

I will proably have to increase the CUC too???

Not sure how long your tank is (it looks about 4 foot?)

Tangs are fish that like lots of swimming room unless your tank is 6ft+ the tang won't really be happy

Rest of your list looks :good:

You can never have too much CUC
Todays update; a few additions over the weekend that I'm very pleased with.

Red coral mushies

Yellow button polyps

Pair of ocellaris clowns

hard to get a shot they are very active!!

The tank is a lot better to look at already,it's amazing what a bit of colour can do!!

Thanks for looking
Dave! I love clowns they are very pretty.

What else do you plan to have in the tank?

I love the red mushies. I have placed mine in the back corner, because they multiply so fast, id like them to not cover the middle of my tank lol.

Nice button polyps. :)

Oh yes, red mushrooms are like weeds.

The clowns are cute.

Its been a while since I've done an update,I've been very busy with work but I've been taking care of the tank so don't worry lol!!
I didn't make any additions over the last couple of weeks,so today I picked up a stubby finger leather and a toadstool leather.I ordered a yellow watchman goby and pistol shrimp from lfs and couldn't resist a little six line wrasse he had.Everything is in the tank now and looking happy.As I type this the corals have already gotten bigger since I took photos a little while ago.So I'm getting there slowly but surely,enjoy the pics there's quite a few :good:

















Looking good

have your yellow polyps receded any since youve had them? Im sure mine are reducing in number?

the wrasse is lovely tempted myself with one but ive read a fair bit about them being bullies so I'll see how you get on first :good:
How do your clowns and the wrasse get along? Any signs of aggression at all?

I will have a wrasse and clowns in my tank eventually.


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