Dave's First Marine Tank

I love the pet rock phase. Looks like some nice rock too so I'm interested to see what hitch hikers you get? You are going bare-bottom then?

I like sand, but I also like gobies and jawfish and they need sand.

Thank you for your comment I am really enjoying myself so far!! The drilling of the glass is a lot easier than I thought it would be,and the pipework is the easy part for me I build industrial size RO's for the pharma industry for a living :good:

I love the pet rock phase. Looks like some nice rock too so I'm interested to see what hitch hikers you get? You are going bare-bottom then?

I like sand, but I also like gobies and jawfish and they need sand.


Cheers L, I got the rock off my LFS who took it in from a mature setup.I haven't seen any hitch hikers yet ,only been 3 days(bit disappointed about that).I put in 10kg of live sand and aragonite tonight,but it will need more(maybe after next payday).I am still waiting to get my marine bulbs,but I fitted reflectors and 2 blue led strips tonight.

The led's just don't look good on iphone(in reality they really don't look too bad)


thanks for looking
tonight's readings

PH 8.2
Ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
salinity 1.024

My rock was well cured,should I be doing a large water change now and testing again or just wait to see if there's an ammonia spike ??


this little fella has been swaying around in the flow

I'll take your word for it. I don't see much of anything. :lol:

Already those readings? That was fast.
Ha yeah I don't have a camera just my iphone.Its just a little growth on the rock like a transparent leaf.I thought the readings were strange too its an API test kit which I know some people dont rate and it is a freshwater kit but it should be ok for No2,No3 and Ammonia.I tested again this morning and got the same results.I have yet to see any hitch hikers even with a torch after lights out.The only change is a brown furry growth ont the top of the rocks.

Just came in from work and the sand is all brown and so is the rock.I'm getting all the same readings of 0.Is it even possible for the water to be cycled already?? Live rock is only in 9 days!! is it possible to add a CUC yet?

Just came in from work and the sand is all brown and so is the rock.I'm getting all the same readings of 0.Is it even possible for the water to be cycled already?? Live rock is only in 9 days!! is it possible to add a CUC yet?


That's not a bad time frame. I was able to add my CUC after that time. I say go ahead. Especially if it was cured LR.

The brown might be diatoms? If you see the first page of my journal there is a picture of them. Clean up crew at it all! I have not seen diatoms since then.

The brown might be diatoms? If you see the first page of my journal there is a picture of them. Clean up crew at it all! I have not seen diatoms since then.


Thats exactly what it is Tyler I have read your journal.I find the journals a great way to learn on here,saves you asking silly embarassing questions ha!! I added 2 hermits,3 turban snails and a turbo snail today.I hope they're hungry!!

My CUC has cleaned up my rock really well,but they haven't really gone near the glass.Should I just clean it myself or is there something I could add to my CUC to tackle it??
Also do I have enough live rock (30 kilo) or should I be looking at more?? If I need more I would prefer to put it in now...

There is nothing cuc wise that will really clean up your glass - even if you had loads of snails they still leave a visible snail trail!. Just clean it with a magfloat.

You have defo. got a diatom bloom - it is a natural stage in most start-ups. You can siphon to make it better and upping the flow by pointing a powerhead at it will help.

It is also worth testing your phosphates as high levels and diatom usually go hand-in-hand.

I really like how your tank is shaping up - you have done a great job & I am envious of your drilling work!!! (where did you get the bit by the way - I am considering drilling some of my breeding tanks in the near future!)

There is nothing cuc wise that will really clean up your glass - even if you had loads of snails they still leave a visible snail trail!. Just clean it with a magfloat.

You have defo. got a diatom bloom - it is a natural stage in most start-ups. You can siphon to make it better and upping the flow by pointing a powerhead at it will help.

It is also worth testing your phosphates as high levels and diatom usually go hand-in-hand.

I really like how your tank is shaping up - you have done a great job & I am envious of your drilling work!!! (where did you get the bit by the way - I am considering drilling some of my breeding tanks in the near future!)

I'll get a magfloat so,I'll try pick up a phosphate test kit today.Should I be starting up my skimmer? I was gonna wait till I had some fish in there.
I ordered drills off ebay but after 2 weeks waiting they hadn't arrived so I picked a dearer one up in B+Q and guess what the ebay ones arrived couple of days later!!!
Thanks for looking!

Yes - get that skimmer going asap - you will be surprised at the amount of crud that is in what looks like completely clean water!

As for the test kit for phosphates - I would try and get the Deltec/D-D/merc one - it is the best kit available to the hobbyist IMO. It is very expensive - but worth it in the long run if you plan on keeping some of the more sensitive corals.

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