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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. P


    Hi all, :D I have a few pairs of Firemouths and plenty of spare tanks. :thumbs: I would like to start to breed them, is this a real chance? Can someone help me off in the right direction? :sad: Many thanks PS
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    Pure water for sale?

    Maestro, Can you tell me were you got your filter from, and how much? :) My LFS's don't sell water, well not that I know off and i have many plants, I have just added a fast growing surface plant (can't spell the name)so i am hoping that will help......thanks for the tips :D
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    Pure water for sale?

    Hi, Having big problems with my tap water and NITRATES.......Don't really want to buy a R/O!, Is there anywhere in the UK that I can buy R/O'd water, or water that has a low Nitrate level? i am getting fed up of water changes which keep the No3 at the same level :angry:
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    Google image your user name

    Very good post..............this is what I got up, but it was on wanadoo!
  5. t.gif


  6. P

    Fish Index?

    Well thank you very much "The Doggfather" and "The-wolf". what's the motto of this forum? O Yes.......The friendliest fish forum around.........and that it was until i came across you two! Read "Discomafia" post! But as it goes, I have had 10 years in fish, what I was asking for was more info so...
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    Pregnant cory help

    Ok, I would put the LOVERS in your 1 gallon tank if thats all you have....but it should be fine. add a layer of fine sand (no more than half inch) Add a small air sponge filter and mature water from your 10 gal tank, lower the temp slowly down to 21oC and then bring it back up to 26oC-27oC, this...
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    Pregnant cory help

    Hi.........Don't worry, there is LOADS of help on here. First, you say you mean Bronze? If so, i have just had my 14 batch of eggs. Some have been very sucessful, I have now got up to 50 young ones. :D you have a male or 2? Is she/they on there own? If no male then...
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    rudy clown cichlids

    Hi all, Have just picked up some "Rudy clown cichlids" are they from africa? does anyone know were I can get some info? Sorry if they are not African!
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    Moonlight spot lights?

    Hi all, I'm looking for some "Moonlight spot lights" (check out "Sarahbravo" member on this forum.......she has a picture of her tank) I want them for my 48" tank, I have know idea were to get them from? Any help? :thumbs:
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    Fish Index?

    CFC, Yes............I'm looking for better! ;)
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    Hi, Speak to OZONE, he can be found on here or the UK site! He has TWO Ozonaters and a clever CO2 thingy! :rolleyes: His tank is BLOOMING, lush plants and a great fresh smell! I'm sure he will tell you what you need to know.
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    Fish Index?

    Hi, I'm looking for a good web site for FISH INDEX? Am I the only one that is feed up of getting fish under a name only to find out that I can't find any info on it! :( Local names drive me mad :crazy: ,but I am C**P at latin? Please Someone help me? :)
  14. P

    Shrimp site?

    hi can anyone help me with a good shrimp site? I have a couple of these little blighters and keep being told they have different names! I need to find a good source to identify them . Cheers friends. :rolleyes:
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    Rock shrimp ?

    Hi, I came across a pair of what were call ROCK SHRIMP..They are RED with a CREAM stripe down thier backs and are filter feeders, does anyone know were i can get hold of some info on them? Also , I too have got a ARMOURED SHRIMP, and I can't find any GOOD info on these? :unsure:
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    how much shall i feed them?

    EMZ If your plec is looking rounded and not hollow sided :D then he is doing ok, remember he will also clean the glass and suck up any other waste. You should check on them eating every now and then.....Stay up late or lights out early so you can view them and watch there in take. That tank...
  17. P

    pregnant platty?

    Fish11 I do hope so for long have you had her? :huh: Do you have a male? ;) If not..them someone needs to explain something to you! :whistle: What other fish do you have in the tank? How long has she been like this?
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    Sarkis Real plants at all times and as many as you can get in the tank!!!!!!!! :D As for tha gravel.....what filter are you running?
  19. P

    Are my Golden Gourami's Sick?

    Matt, Like all the others have said....they look mighty fine to me? Ease up on the treatment mate and enjoy what you have :) Mine are much the same.getting darker, but if it was fungi you would be able to see it as a cotton like covering
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    Bad Eggs

    OB1 Bad eggs.............smelly water? I'm sorry but it hasn't happen to me before, I will have a word with OZONE....hes good with water smells.
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    glass cats

    Ozone, After seeing your Glass Cats and you winding me up about them :sick: I must say they are very nice..................How the hell did you get the SHOP to deliver them I will never know :thumbs: Good luck with them and DON'T forget you still have my Bloodworm there :grr:
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    Cory eggs again, best method?

    Hello, We have just hatched 80-100 fry from our 5 batch ! Batch 1=0......Eggs were placed in Hatchery net in the main tank and went fungi ! :/ Batch 2=3 fry..........same way but found the little buggers in my canister filter 2 weeks later. A very good size to ! :thumbs: Batch 3=0 Parent fish...
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    The hardest thing I ever had to do

    Sorry to hear that :byebye: It is always a sad time when it has to be done. :no:
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    I DID IT

    Hi Inchworm, Not to sure yet, will see how many i can grow on, had more last night .Numbers of fry around the 100 ark......??? :crazy: But i do have a few outlets in mind....who knows, might have a 600lt full of them :D Will let you know how it all goes. Darren
  25. P

    I DID IT

    Tonight at 20.10, I became the proud father of 80 to 100 Bronze cory fry :D I turned the air stones off to take a close look as things seemed odd and the eggs were exploding........ This lot were laid at about 17.00hrs on sunday gone. I still have another 150ish that came 12 to 24hrs latter...
  26. P


    Tonight at 20.10, I became the proud father of 80 to 100 Bronze cory fry :D I turned the air stones of to take a close look as things seemed odd and the eggs were exploding........ This lot were laid at about 17.00hrs on sunday gone. I still have another 150ish that came 12 to 24hrs latter...
  27. P


    Inchworm, Thank you for the reply. Have got the Male with 2 females away from the others at the minute. :whistle: But will place another couple of Boys in with them and keep my others in the 5ft tank for now. I do hope I get a few more fry than last time.....its driving me crazy :crazy...
  28. P


    Babyfish, Thanks for that, the tank does have a heater and is set at 26oC. Off from work tomorrow so might get another Daddy :D Darren
  29. P


    Babyfish...... Thanks for getting back on this matter. It sounds like I'm doing everthing right :thumbs: I will have to wait and see? Have been thinking of adding another male to up the chances of a good fertilize, but this might up set the female :/ I will let you know how I get on? Thanks...
  30. P


    Please HELP ! :hyper: Just got the 5th batch of eggs from my bronze corys..about 250. I have lost all the last four batches apart from 2nd batch (3 fry) and 3rd (5 fry). I have done everything told to me.........but they keep going FUNGI They are in a 1 gallon tank with Meth Blue and Air...
  31. P


    Got myself a pair of Rock Shrimp (so called) Who knows anything about them? Sexing,Breading ETC.. :thumbs: Would love to know more
  32. P


    Well Frank S They claim to do wonderful things to your water :rolleyes: They freshen the smell :rolleyes: They kill all know water born pests :( They improve Plant life :flex: They make a more natural water for the fish :blink: But HOW and WHY............?
  33. P


    JH115832, By god you know your stuff............If i ever need help I'll come to you.
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    Ozonnater.....Not sure if its spelt like that? Has anyone had one or used one? Are they any good? and if they are....were can you it them from? My mate has just picked up one on E Bay and the lady that sold it reckons its better than sliced bread :thumbs:
  35. P


    Daino, yes they are..............or should i say was! I found them in a tank that was rescued, they appeared in a red mass and when taken out of the water re grouped into a ball, when i dropped them into a small amount of wter it was then i saw that they were of a worm like make-up. Prison...
  36. P

    Bronze Cory eggs..........?

    Thanks Inchworm I have got the eggs in a 2 gal tank with a air stone under them and meth blue as well.They are being keeped company by 5 bronze fry from the last batch of eggs that i thought the parents ate.................but have seen a danio botia that looks like he has a way of get pass the...
  37. P


    I have found white worms in my tank ! :( Does anyone know what they are??
  38. P

    Bronze Cory eggs..........?

    My Bronze Cory's are laying Eggs. I have been told many ways to get them to hatch? Remove parents? Don't remove parents? I have had Fungi on them and have been told that this is as they are not fertile? or ,I need to add meth Blue? Can anyone help me?
  39. P

    Bronze corys

    Bronze corys....Fist time spawned, placed eggs from main tank into Hatchery, all eggs went fungi, but later found 3 fry in filter! 2nd time.....removed eggs into small tank with parents for 36hours as told, within 5 hours most eggs had been eaten :sick: But 5 fry appeared ! :P 3rd...
  40. P

    Help.......Thread like worms !

    Help i have found a few red jelly like balls in one of my tanks today. When i got them out, they were moving! and went from a mass into a ball shape.....when put into water to view, they started to appear to open up and very fine white thread like worms came out? what are they.....I have had...