glass cats

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Aug 23, 2004
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i have just purchased 8 new glass catfish. but i am finding conflicting information about these strange fish.has anybody had any experiences ,good or bad please..these are brilliant fish and i dont want to lose any because of mis information,,,thanks,,,,john
Sorry i cant help you i've never even heard about them. I have a Glass fish and he does just find.
This is what ive found out about them...

Kryptopterus bicirrhis

Common Names: Glass Catfish
Synonyms: Silurus bicirrhis
Family: Siluridae
Origin: South East Asia.
Main Ecosystem: River
Temperament: Peaceful, schooling, and active.
Diet: Ominvore
Care: Feed good quality flakes. Strong filtration and an open swimming space edged with plants is recommended.
pH: 6.5 - 7.8
Temperature: 22°C - 27°C (72°F - 81°F)
Potential Size: 13cm (5.1")
Water Region: Middle-Surface
Activity: Diurnal
Breeding: Rare.
Gender: Cannot be determined.
Comments: Will congregate in the fastest flowing part of the tank.
Never kept them, but I have seen them at the LFS... beautiful fish but unfortunately they are sometimes dyed bright colours to increase their sale. They should be all clear. They sometimes get "cloudy" when they are sick or stressed.

I assume these are the little guys, right?

Well best of luck to you and your fish's health!
Hi ozone :)

I used to keep them and enjoyed them thoroughly. They found themselves an area in among my plants and whenever I looked, there they were peeking out. :thumbs:

Give them a bit of attention when you feed your fish to be sure they eat. They are said to be fussy, and I found that they would only eat when food drifted by right in front of them. They loved to eat live blackworms and tubifex worms and when they did, their stomachs turned red.

I had a little trouble getting them established, but once they got past the first week or so they were fine.

Here's a link about them:

Fortunatly for them, these are not the fish that are dyed. They are far too delicate for that.
Hey Ozone,

Good taste in getting some GlassCats :thumbs: , I have 8 myself. (Not to be confussed with Glassfish, I have some of those too, undyed of course.) A lot of people say they are very sensitive fishes, so far I haven't had any problems with them :dunno: . I would just make sure, they are in a well established tank. They take a little time to adjust to their surroundings that's forsure. Make sure they are in a decent size tank with lots of plants or even bogwood and sorts. Feeding is different for alot of people with these guys, I know some that eat day and night. Mine only eat at night, with a low watt light blub shinning in the tank. I feed mine 3 types of food, reg flakes (Which is more like for all the fishes) but the ones I find they like are; Hikari Daphnia and Tubifex worms, and these foods are mixed daily, so one day I might feed just Daphnia, next day Tubifex and Daphnia, etc.... GL with these awesome fishes. ;)
After seeing your Glass Cats and you winding me up about them :sick: I must say they are very nice..................How the hell did you get the SHOP to deliver them I will never know :thumbs:
Good luck with them and DON'T forget you still have my Bloodworm there :grr:
i had one once, quite a while ago thogh. i never had any trouble at all, they were pretty cool. didn't pic on othr fish for anything, i fed them on flake food and i had them for a lil while but thats all i rely know :dunno:

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