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Prison Shepherd

New Member
Aug 20, 2004
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Esatbourne,East Sussex,UK
Please HELP ! :hyper:

Just got the 5th batch of eggs from my bronze corys..about 250. I have lost all the last four batches apart from 2nd batch (3 fry) and 3rd (5 fry).
I have done everything told to me.........but they keep going FUNGI
They are in a 1 gallon tank with Meth Blue and Air stone under them, I do water changes and there are NO other fish in with them. The last batch got to 3rd day and went a nice pale brown.........and then went FUNGI and I lost the LOT.
Please somebody HELP ME :crazy:
:) Hiya, my cories laid eggs. I removed these from the tank and set them up in a small tank with a heater...airstone and enough methylene blue to tint the water quite dark, you could only just see the eggs.

After three days, with no water changes, the eggs looked fungused and I began to remove them from the tank, imagine my shock when little wrigglers began to swim away from the eggs.

At this time I began to do water changes of 20% daily to remove the methylene blue, once the meth blue is gone, then set up a mature air-driven sponge filter(you can do this by keeping a spare sponge in your filter or tank(filter's better)).

Once the eggsac is gone then start feeding microworms and changing the water at least twice daily( you can add another 2 changes to this if you have time)removing 10-15% :)
Hi Prison Shepherd :)

You are doing the right thing with the methylene blue and airstone. Don't worry if it is on high, the eggs can stand quite a bit of water movement around them.

If they just spawned, you will have a little while to wait. In the meanwhile, I would recommend that you remove any gravel and other things from the tank so that it is clean and has a bare bottom. Water changes are not necessary, but will not hurt them either. Do some if you feel the tank needs it, but do not let the eggs get exposed to the air.

Some of the eggs will probably develop fungus, so be prepared for it. If they have not all been fertilized, and they probably haven't, this will happen. If it develops before the rest have hatched, just leave them alone because you will probably do more harm than good by trying to get them out.

Once the eggs start to hatch, you will easily see them if the tank has a bare bottom. When this happens, I can never resist moving the airstone around and letting the air bubbles flow over the eggs in the various parts of the tank. This helps the fry hatch (and is a lot of fun, IMHO :D )

When they are finished hatching, you can then remove the fungused eggs that remain by wiping the glass with a clean cloth or sponge. If they all fungus without hatching, I would suspect that you might have a problem with your male(s). Perhaps they are unable to properly fertilize the eggs. It is often suggested that more than one male per female be used to avoid this.

Good luck. :thumbs: Please let me know how things work out for you. :D
Thanks for getting back on this matter.
It sounds like I'm doing everthing right :thumbs: I will have to wait and see?
Have been thinking of adding another male to up the chances of a good fertilize, but this might up set the female :/
I will let you know how I get on?

Thanks again

:) If you have the space then by all means add another male cory, it does no harm to improve the bloodlines of your fry with fresh genes. :)
Cories are a very sociable fish and love company of thier own kind. :D
It is usually just a case of wait and see, you and they will get it right eventually. :nod:
If you can put a heater in your little tank they might do better. :)

Good luck :D
Prison Shepherd said:
...Have been thinking of adding another male to up the chances of a good fertilize, but this might up set the female
Hi Prison Shepherd :)

Since corys are a schooling fish, when it comes to breeding them, it is a matter of, "the more the merrier." :D

If you have a school, which you should have, keep them all together at spawning time. The males will follow the spawning female around, and when she is ready she will turn around and pick out one of them to mate with. Then she will attach the eggs to the glass or other surface. In a little while, the entire process will be repeated and she will probably select one of the other males.
Thank you for the reply.
Have got the Male with 2 females away from the others at the minute. :whistle:
But will place another couple of Boys in with them and keep my others in the 5ft tank for now. I do hope I get a few more fry than last time.....its driving me crazy :crazy:

Prison Shepherd
Tonight at 20.10, I became the proud father of 80 to 100 Bronze cory fry :D
I turned the air stones of to take a close look as things seemed odd and the eggs were exploding........ This lot were laid at about 17.00hrs on sunday gone. I still have another 150ish that came 12 to 24hrs latter.
Thanks to all for you advice.
I'm of to the pub to wet the babies heads :clap: :)

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