Search results

  1. 3

    Sick (or pregnant?) Juvy Cichlids

    I think that their actually called "Golden" cichlids. Scientific name is Melanochromis Auratus. I hae never seen any aggression to it from the other fish. The water parameters are all in check and the others are as normal as ever. This one seems perfectly stable and still very adept at swimming...
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    Sick (or pregnant?) Juvy Cichlids

    Yeah, I love that :( . Fish is still acting exactly the same.
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    Sick (or pregnant?) Juvy Cichlids

    no one has any Ideas?
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    Sick (or pregnant?) Juvy Cichlids

    I have a tank with two juvenile Golden Chchlids in it. They used to both be equally active, but lately, one of them has been actng oddly. At first it would chill behind the filter intake tube, and now it rests in a plastic plant in the tank all day. I can't see any abnormalities, and if I...
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    what kills the fat akien that lasers can't kill? also, how many levels are there?
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    Are any algicides safe for plants?

    Some type of brown hair type algae is taking over the leaves of my plants. The pleco can't seem to get it off. Any Ideas?
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    Can I use Algicide?

    Can I use algicide, or will it kill the biological filter? The tank only has two cichlids with a HOB biowheel. No Plants, No inverts. Thanks, Brian
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    Is it ok to feed my fish a small grasshopper?

    my dwarfs will eat anything that falls in front of them.
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    Do I need to vacum?

    Do people vacum (sp?) their plant tanks? I am just using gravel, so it seems like the added nutrients would be good for the plants. Also, the stuff fals down through the gravel, so it doesn't look bad. Thanks
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    Is it ok to feed my fish a small grasshopper?

    I feed my fish any bugs I come across in mass suply in the yard. They eat ants, rolly-pollies, some like hopping nat thing, etc.
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    clean tanks for ever?? ebay

    What was the deal with the fish removal tool?
  12. 3


    I just thought of this. You know those days of the week pill containers they make? One of those could be used with the premeasured amount of food in each day. Hope this helps, Brian
  13. 3

    the funniest ebay description

    This is of a certain size but you could easily adapt it to fit something smaller
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    Yeah! Snails are Jewish too! Just kidding, making a point. When you say that things are gay, and meaning it in a bad way, it is also saying that you have something against gay people, which you may or may not. This can make people mad.
  15. 3

    Mbuna in a 10 gallon?

    I have looked into the shell dwellers, but I really love the species of Mbuna I mentioned previously. Is the only reason for the tank reccomedation aggression? If so, would I be able to keep one in this tank? I am assuming that if they are so aggressive, they wouldn't mind being alone. Thanks
  16. 3

    Mbuna in a 10 gallon?

    I am looking for something to do with my extra 10 gallon tank. I have seen some very cool colored Mbuna in dealers tanks that only grow to about 3". I have heard different tank size reccomendations, I beleive because of aggression, so I am wondering if it would be possible to keep any number of...
  17. 3

    Golden Cichlids Melanochromis Auratus

    Would I be able to put two female Melanochromis Auratus in my 10 gallon? They grow to about three inches, correct? I have seen very different min. tank sizes, I think mainly because of terororiality.
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    It's supposed to get to be 4-6". I was kinda lucky and got one almost full grown, about 4". It is amazing to watch, he just leaves a path of cleanliness : )
  19. 3

    Golden Cichlids

    Would I be able to put two female Melanochromis Auratus in my 10 gallon? They grow to about three inches, correct? I have seen very different min. tank sizes, I think mainly because of terororiality.
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    IMO otoos are almost pointless, they never seem to do much. My bnose pleco can, and will, clean a section of glass 2"x 2" in like a minute.
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    My crappy fish

    I like how it gets caughty on the filter, streches, pops off, and then gets sucked in. :P
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    Interesting, then why do all of the ready-built ones come with white LEDs?
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    Painted Fish

    They're pretty damn ugly after they get dyed even before the paint wears off. monotone fruit loop colored fish just don't do it for me. The glassfish look a little better, but nowhere near as cool as most cichlids neons, RTBS, etc. Probably not even as cool looking as the normal glassfish, I...
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    Possible neon tetra disease?

    I'm not too sure how old they were when I got them, but they don't seem to have really grown ever. so I probably got them right about the age when growth slows down (whenever that is).
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    Aquaclears & Sand

    I haven't yet had a problem with it on a biowheel mini on a 10g with sand, but I keep an eye on it and try not to stir it up so much or around the filter, or when I do, I lift the tube up so it's not pulling in new water.
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    Possible neon tetra disease?

    Maybe you had a bad source? I'm pretty proud of my LFS, they have really healty fish and I have been dissapointed with a lot of the fish-only stores that I have been to mine. Now it seems like it's doing it again, I don't really want to euthanize because they all do it sometimes, but never this...
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    I made a 3/4 watt moonlight with a white LED for my tank, basically the same specs as the ones that they sell, just a lot cheaper, and I'm wondering if it will bother my nocturnal fish? Particularly, my Bristlenose Pleco and my Skunk Botia. Thoughts?
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    Possible neon tetra disease?

    Actually, I've had these 7 for about 8 months and two tanks, and I haven't gotten a disease yet, unless this one has a disease. Actually, he seems to have stopped now, maybe he was just upset or something today?
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    Possible neon tetra disease?

    Does it mean anything if one of my neon tetras has been swimming around pointed down at about a 45 degree angle all day? Looks fine other than that, and I've seen them do it before, but normally they straighten out pretty quickly, any ideas?
  30. 3

    Succes with Dyed Fish!

    I think that they genuinly cared, they are a two store operation and all of the staff seem very knowledgeable, all but one of them has worked there for over 3 years, and every one that I have talked to has had a fresh or saltwater tank at home. It seemed like they cared, and it seemed like they...
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    Succes with Dyed Fish!

    So I went into my LFS (which is a REALLY good store), and noticed that they had a few painted glassfish. I asked them if they knew how they were made, they said no, I told them all about dyed and painted fish, and this week I went back, the fish were gone, and their name had been removed from...
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    Plants to grow

    I have a 10 (US) gallon tank that has the stock hood that it came with. I replaced the incandescent bulbs with normal compact flourescents from Home Depot. The bulbs are 15watts/each but they are not a special plant spectrum. Would this lighting be sufficient for any plants in this tank? If not...
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    White spot on pleco

    Now that I think about it, I'm not positive weather or not the other markings were there before, I remember two of them specifically, but I don't think that I remember this many. Here's a pic, the one I noticed originally and thought was abnormal is circled. Can you tell me if a Bnose is...
  34. Bnose1.jpg


  35. 3

    White spot on pleco

    It's spreading on him like mad! I noticed that he hasn't been sucking on the glass the las day or two, he's been hiding under a piece of wood; I picked it up and he is about 1/2 covered with white patches. Please help! I'm isolating him now.
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    White spot on pleco

    The tank has been running for about 5 months or so, this guy is the only new addition, I just noticed the spot when I was checking him out. It just looks like a medium sized white spot, same texture as body etc. the water shouldn't matter since it had this since I got it but FYI, PH 7.4, Ammonia...
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    White spot on pleco

    My new bristlenose pleco has a white spot on his body about 1/8" diameter. Is this an infection or something? If so, what is the best thing to treat it with? P.S. This fish ANNIHILATES algae. Thanks for your help, Brian Jagger
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    Reinforcing the floor?!

    remember that water weighs about 8 pounds/gallong US, plus the weight of glass, rock and stand, so your looking at about 500 pounds, at least. One major difference between a bed and a tank, is that a bed, I should think, weighs less, and the wieght is spread out more over the floor. A tank is...
  39. 3

    Favorite algae eating fish

    If I were to move some of the other fish to my other tank, so as not to be overstocked, will the bristlenose do what I am looking for? Whatever I end up doing, It needs to clean glass, and would be really helpful if it cleaned plants and aqaurium accessories as well.
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    oto stuck to net! PLEASE HELP ASAP

    He seems to be doing fine now :) He is still useless as a cleaner, but seems to be acting normally.