

Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2004
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Atascadero, CAlifornia
I made a 3/4 watt moonlight with a white LED for my tank, basically the same specs as the ones that they sell, just a lot cheaper, and I'm wondering if it will bother my nocturnal fish? Particularly, my Bristlenose Pleco and my Skunk Botia. Thoughts?
I wouldn't have thought so, although it would depend on the brightness, just watch your fish closely for the next week or so and make sure their behaviour doesn't change. I would also recommend using a blue LED- closer to the colour of natural moonlight.
No. That is one of the benefits of the moonlight setups, they will not inturupt the nocturnal habits of your fish. In many cases, especially in reef tanks, they moonlights generally are a benefit, corals spawnning is a good example. The lights are great at simulating moonlight, which is natural, so there will not be any problem for your fish. Keep in mind, most fish are never in complete darkness, there is always some natural light.

Oh yeah. Somehow I missed that white LEDs were used. Blue ones are the ones to use, and are closest to the proper wavelength for simulating moonlight. I have never seen a "pre-fab" moonlight with white LEDs, all of them I have seen were blue/ultraviolet.


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