White spot on pleco


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2004
Reaction score
Atascadero, CAlifornia
My new bristlenose pleco has a white spot on his body about 1/8" diameter. Is this an infection or something? If so, what is the best thing to treat it with?

P.S. This fish ANNIHILATES algae.

Thanks for your help,
Brian Jagger
By any chance do the spots look like grains of salt???|

Give us a little more info, water parameters, how long has the tank been running, any new fishes, any info would help.
The tank has been running for about 5 months or so, this guy is the only new addition, I just noticed the spot when I was checking him out. It just looks like a medium sized white spot, same texture as body etc. the water shouldn't matter since it had this since I got it but FYI, PH 7.4, Ammonia 0, nitrites .07. I noticed that the fish has cool small white spots all over it, but this one is abnormally big, and it looks suspiciously similar to the ones I have seen on sick fish before. If you can tell me what this is can you please also tell me if it is contagious and if it will go away by itself or if it will need medications?

Thanks for your help,
Brian Jagger
I've owned 3 Bnoses and I used to have one that had that same texture thing you're taking about. I think it's just a normal body color on it. I remember that my bnose that had it was turning into another color. (into a lighter color) I would say keep a close eye on it and see what happens. Another thing you can do is see if you can take a picture of it and post it. That would help out alot.... ;)
It's spreading on him like mad! I noticed that he hasn't been sucking on the glass the las day or two, he's been hiding under a piece of wood; I picked it up and he is about 1/2 covered with white patches. Please help! I'm isolating him now.
Now that I think about it, I'm not positive weather or not the other markings were there before, I remember two of them specifically, but I don't think that I remember this many. Here's a pic, the one I noticed originally and thought was abnormal is circled. Can you tell me if a Bnose is supposed to look like this or if these are abnormal? I notice that he has some markings that are simetrical on his face.

This is crazy, but I just looked back at him, like two minutes after isolatinghim, and he had completely changed his color scheme, the big white patches are gone, only the small white spots (obviously normal) and the one in question remain!

The one that I was curious about actually kndi looks like he lost a scale or something, is this possible?


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