Search results

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    Beautiful Betta

    hi guys i was at pets at home in the uk looking for a new stand for my fish i havent yet got any fish because of delays and i saw the most beauitful betta ever it had a black head and a kind of matalitc purple body and tail strange but beautiful :nod: nice betta but i have to wait a week and...
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    The Changes In Little Gilbert :)

    what a beautiful fish!
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    Betta Took A Turn, Please Look.

    i think he has fin rot
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    Hey Guys Haveu Seen That Stunning Lyre Tail Betta On Ebay?

    hmmm i think that tail is frayed and it has white spot
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    Angry Serpae Tetra

    sorry i dont know any thing about this but good luck :rolleyes:
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    it might be white spot chose an anti-white spot treatment i would set up a hospital tank as it can catch very quickly may there rubbing against things when your not looking at them or maybe you could take a photo of your ill fish and show it to your local pet store and see if they know whats...
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    What Is Wrong With My Pregnant Molly

    hi it ulcers were the fish has red sores on its body you need to treat it quickly you need to chose a anti-ulcer treatment or a anti-bacterial treatment aquarium tonic salt also works great with the treatments i hope this was of some help to you by apple king my betta good luck ;)
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    i hate walmart so much click on walmart fish abuse to talk about it more
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    hi there i see you have no comments so i thought i'd say hi

    hi there i see you have no comments so i thought i'd say hi
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    Where To Buy A Betta

    you could buy one at petco or pet smart there ment to be good are't they? i wouldent know coz im from the uk sorry for any miss spelling only in 4th grade :good:
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    Best Way To Clean Water? Betta Beginner.

    use a siphon and do a 20% water change every week all so a clean use it by holding the siphon 10cm above the gravel also you should get a algea magnet then the water should clear good luck :good:
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    Would This Be Considered Animal Abuse?

    yes i think so search in the bar at the top type in walmart fish abuse to talk about it some more god walmart makes me sick :sick:
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    Walmart Fish Abuse

    dude i understand all of it im just more clever than most 4th graders :lol: i dont mean to brag ha ha lol :fun: im really into my wirting and i was really peed of at walmart at the time and i still am! ill take your advice thanks for the advice! :good:
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    im so happy for you!!! good luck with your new betta!!

    im so happy for you!!! good luck with your new betta!!
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    cool me too! beautiful betta is it yours? im getting a purple betta!! i cant wait

    cool me too! beautiful betta is it yours? im getting a purple betta!! i cant wait
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    thats ok you seem like a really nice guy/girl

    thats ok you seem like a really nice guy/girl
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    Omg My New Red Female Is Dead

    im so sorry for you :-( maybe it was a illness you poor thing i've never had a fish loss so i wouldent know what if feel's like so sorry for your loss :no: i once had a dream were apple king died that was my worst dream ever :-( but she's at rest now ps:is there any thing i can do to make it...
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    Proud Betta Mummy :)

    congrats! good luck maybe he's on the mend (sorry brit slang for he's getting better) you might want to buy a female betta when he can swim better so you will have happy little betta babies!!! good luck! :lol:
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    Walmart Fish Abuse

    dose any one care about these fish? :sad:
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    Where The Heck Are My Fish?

    oh there eaten for sure if they were the smallest then there in the other fishes tummy but did they have any problems? because if they did then were barbs could be in danger!! of the same problems they have if i was you i would get some anti parsite water treatments right away!!! :blink:
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    Walmart Fish Abuse

    hi there i was looking on youtube and in searched bettas and i clicked on this one video and i was shocked at how they treated there fish they die of treatable things like fin rot they are stored in tiny cups full of dirty water and there are no staff there so mean little brat kids can fight...
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    Help This Is An Emergencies

    oh my gosh i did my research and i found out guppies cant go with betta i know you dont like the idea of separating them but if you dont thosse guppies will die are you willing to take that risk? :/
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    Hi Hi Hi I Am New!

    hi there im new too! my account name is apple king my betta please add me!! by the way how do you add friends? i only joyed today!! super exited to share my love of these beautiful fish :good: you should feed your betta once a day even is he or she looks at your with big eyes over feeding is...
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    Help With My Betta And Guppies!

    hmmmm perhaps its because of over stocking but im not sure has this ever happened before? :unsure:
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    New Fish Tank Show

    cool can you get that in the uk :D
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    Opinion Needed Please

    hi im new to this to i love fighting fish there so beautiful arent they! sounds like a well stoked tank sorry for any miss spelling im only in year six sounds to me like your doing every thing right but have you got water condisioner?
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    hi guys im new to this whole aquarium thing i was just wondering if you have any tips for me

    hi guys im new to this whole aquarium thing i was just wondering if you have any tips for me