Opinion Needed Please


New Member
Jul 22, 2011
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Am pretty new to this 3 months and was just hoping some of you folks would have a look at both my setups, and tell me if I doing things correctly.

Main Tank Setup

110 Litre Juwel Rekord 800 Tank (Juwel Bioflow 400 Filter)
100 Watt Juwel Heater
Fulval 205 External Filter (Yes I double up on things )
RENA SMARTHEATER 150W (Backup Heater)
Sand Substrate

LiveStock in Main Tank

6 x GlowLight Tetra
6 x Harlequins
4 x Peppered Corydoras
2 x Plattys
2 x Red Tetra
1 x Mini Hara Hara
1 x Bristlenose Anc
2 x Clown Loach (Small at moment)
1 x S Fighter

Secondary Tank Setup

70 Litre Juwel Rekord 700 Tank (Juwel Bioflow Filter)
50 Watt Juwel Heater
Ehiem 2010 Pickup (Second Filter)
Sand Substrate

LiveStock in Secondary Tank

3 x Silver Plattys
1 x Bristlenose Anc
1 x S Fighter

All Water tests are normal on both setups, can you advise me on stocking levels etc.

Many thanks in Advance.


I think someone experienced will come along and tell you to return the clown loaches and that your first tank is a little overstocked. You could move the platys and red tetra into your secondary tank perhaps? As I said wait for someone who isn't a newbie like me!

The LFS said my stocking levels were fine when I asked if it was ok to put 2 clown loaches in the tank (2 days ago), but I was/am concerned it might have been to much, but they assured me as most of my other fish were small and I had double filtration and would not be pushing stocking levels. But as we all know the LFS can be wrong :), they are only human as well.

I want to keep a heathy environment for the fish so appreciate any and all advice. Thank goodness I have a 2nd tank to move some fish to if needed.

Well the double filtration is good (although your fighter might not like the increased current), however one of the veterans will have to advise you on that. Take their advice, it's good! However you will definitely have to rehome the clown loaches, they get far too big for a 110L. Have a lot of sympathy for you on this, I had three clown loaches when I first got my 94L secondhand and they were awesome, was gutted to have to get rid of them, but you have to do what's right for the fish :good:
It all looks good with exception of those clowns...

Clowns, while cute in thieir juvie stages, get to be monsters. (10-12 inches)

My suggestion would be to return/rehome them and get a couple more corries in their place. They like to be in groups of 6+
hi im new to this to i love fighting fish there so beautiful arent they! sounds like a well stoked tank sorry for any miss spelling im only in year six sounds to me like your doing every thing right but have you got water condisioner?

Thanks for your replies, I use Aquasafe conditioner for the water and love my S fighter :). Quite disappointed that the LFS sold me the 2 clown's when I advised them of stocking levels (They are such a lovely fish) I will speak to them this afternoon and ask for them to return as it is not fair on the fish.

If I could also ask something else (So full of questions :))

1: Based on the main tank stocking levels (- 2 Loaches), my LFS will not refund me but give me an exchange, what fish should I replace them with ? I love my corrys but would like something also that swims in the middle and top levels and is not a monster.

2: Second tank what else should I put in there, looks very sparse.


If they'll only offer exchange, go for two more of the same corys, you'll be doing them a favour and see improved behaviour - they live in enormous groups in the wild. Really you need a minimum of 6, as 100+ might be pushing it ;)

I'd put the platies all in the smaller tank together. Not strictly schooling fish but prefer others if their own kind.

Id return the red tetras and get one more each of glowlight and harlequin. Tetras like to be in large groups as well.
Has already mentioned the clowns needs to go back :good:

I would up your peppers to 6,you will see the difference,possibly also return the red tetras has these need to be in bigger schools.and replace with either more harleys or glowlights.
The hara hara prefers cooler temperatures to thrive around 20-22 degrees,whats your temp in the tank?

Trouble with having a SF in each tank,limits the possibilty of a centrepiece fish,a gourami would look nice but would clash with the fighter...

Hows about moving either the harleys or the glowlights to the 70l tank to add a bit of life in there,then upp the shoal of whatever you keep in the 110 :good:

Thanks all, quite angry about this, the original LFS refused to take them back saying it would take a long time (years) for them to get too big for the tank and so they could not see what the problem was, so I am going to go tomorrow to another LFS and give the clowns to them for free if necessary. And then as some of you suggested move some fish into the smaller tank, get 2 extra corys and make some of the fish schools slightly bigger, the water temp is between 23 and 24o.

Cheers and thx again.


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