Walmart Fish Abuse

apple king my betta

New Member
Aug 21, 2011
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hi there i was looking on youtube and in searched bettas and i clicked on this one video and i was shocked at how they treated there fish they die of treatable things like fin rot they are stored in tiny cups full of dirty water and there are no staff there so mean little brat kids can fight them together these beautiful fish dont deserve that kind of tourture :angry: join me and the many other people who are fighting for there rights type in to your search engine walmart fish abuse petion and type in your name and put a stop to all this!!!

ps:sorry for any miss spelling only in 4th grade

by: apple king my betta
It's great you care about the way fish are treated at stores like this, and lots of people here care, but it's important to remember this is a public forum and it's never a great idea to claim a huge chain is in the wrong. There are good and bad stores across all chains.

You could also do your bit by writing to your local store managers and to head office, highlighting your concerns about the way the fish are treated.
You could also do your bit by writing to your local store managers and to head office, highlighting your concerns about the way the fish are treated.

Banging idea...

As mentioned above, its not the best idea to come onto a public forum and slander a multi-national coporate. These are the people that work their legal costs fro fighting such cases into their annual budget! (If you really are in the 4th grade, you most likely didnt understand most of that!)

HOWEVER, fair play Kid, you've got some front :)
You could also do your bit by writing to your local store managers and to head office, highlighting your concerns about the way the fish are treated.

Banging idea...

As mentioned above, its not the best idea to come onto a public forum and slander a multi-national coporate. These are the people that work their legal costs fro fighting such cases into their annual budget! (If you really are in the 4th grade, you most likely didnt understand most of that!)

HOWEVER, fair play Kid, you've got some front :)

dude i understand all of it im just more clever than most 4th graders :lol: i dont mean to brag ha ha lol :fun: im really into my wirting and i was really peed of at walmart at the time and i still am! ill take your advice thanks for the advice! :good:
Remember, mistreated fish generally comes down to staff ignorance. Ignorance is from lack of training. Training comes from management. Training must be paid for out of a certain budget that the manager may not ultimately control.

Complaints, repeated ones, are bad for business. A manager might not put training, ie money, into something unless it will reap financial rewards. If enough people point out to an individual store that improved fish care equals improved sales, something might be done there. Good practice has to start somewhere.

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