Help With My Betta And Guppies!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 30, 2011
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After I bought 3 cobra guppies yesterday, at first they were fine, now I saw a tail of one of them is missing a piec at the tip, looks likes its nipped probably by my betta! Also my betta use to be fine with my old guppy now I saw one of my old guppy tail is shred too! Not way too bad but still bad. How long the tail of my guppies grow back? Also plz don't suggest separating them because I can't right now. Is my betta just in a bad mood? Or wat?????:evil:
It is a known fact bettas cant be kept with guppies. The long fins of the guppy makes the betta think it is another betta. They need to be seperated or your guppies will die. Water changes will help with their fins, clean water is the best medication.

Why do you ask us not to say 'seperate them', this is the only option, if you dont want the proper advice, why ask? No point in telling you what you want to hear is there?
It is a known fact bettas cant be kept with guppies. The long fins of the guppy makes the betta think it is another betta. They need to be seperated or your guppies will die. Water changes will help with their fins, clean water is the best medication.

Why do you ask us not to say 'seperate them', this is the only option, if you dont want the proper advice, why ask? No point in telling you what you want to hear is there?


Only other option is to devide the tank.
Generally the phrase "please don't suggest I do *this*" is used when you know what the answer is but don't want to do it.

A few options:

- House them in different tanks
- Add a divider to their existing tank
- Watch all their tails be shredded

Up to you really.

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