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  1. B

    Leather dead or alive?

    Well this is what he now looks like, seems alot better. I'm hoping by monday he'll be awake
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    Leather dead or alive?

    They should be working now, today i noticed he was not looking so black had opened up a littlw, and even a few of his little pins were kinda sticking out. He olso appeared to have a glossy film like snakes do when they peel. So i'm hoping he's on the up and up. I'll post a pick tomorrow if he's...
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    Leather dead or alive?

    well today it seems to be alot harder and almost more black and stickier, I dont want to touch it or feel it. I doesn't apear to have any holes or cuts. I still dont know what to do? My yellow tang was picking at it a little today, could this be why he's closed up? here a pick of what he now...
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    Leather dead or alive?

    :byebye: I'm quite worried, my devils hand leather has been all shriviled up for about almost 2 weeks now, It took for ever to open up after i aclimitised him but he did and he started to look really great for about 3 weeks, now one day he just never opened up, he looks a quite black and his...
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    Sump skimmer advioce

    well it does kinda make sense, good thing my sump is a mere 50 liters, and the compartment with my skimmer is about 10 and my skimmer pump is a 2000l/h pump so i think i might be safe
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    Sump skimmer advioce

    Hey GL why do you say with a skimmer in the sump you wont overskim? i thought most of the protiens get caught up in the top layers of water, and if thats getting sucked down to the skimmer surely you be skimmer more protiens than if the skimmer was in the tank, if you have a overflow box that is.
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    Self build chiller

    Hey i'm thinking of doing the same thing, allthough i got a bar fridge with a hole in it allready (for a keg) I was thinking of just rigging up a very acurate thermostat and wiring it to the pump, but i think you may need a reasonably slow pump, especially if you're gonna go through a freezer...
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    Enough lighting for clams + Hardies?

    Now that i've uprgaded my lighting i'm just wondering if i have enough for those hard corals. I have a 150 MH 10 000K, a 40w 18 000k a 40 watt 10 000k and a 40 watt actinic. For a total of 270watts in a shallow 4 foot tank 60 cms deep
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    Sand bed sump

    Why do you say not so much a DSB? The water will be flowing over the bed, not under and through it. And my sump pump runs at about 250 L/H so it's not to fast. And i was thinking about Growing some macro algea and turn it into a mini refuium above the sand bed.
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    Sand bed sump

    I was thinking of making it about between 15-20cms deep and about 32 cms long by 45cms wide
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    Thiunking of getting a MH

    Just a quick update, i bought a 2nd hand 150MH. I got it cheap. It's really amazing I never knew how much of a difference it would make! I Had to make a new canopy, made it about 10cm's higher to get a wider spread of light, I managed to get it so it lights my entire tank up! Now I'm just gonna...
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    Sand bed sump

    Anybody? :whistle:
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    Sand bed sump

    I've had some ideas about revamping my sump I currently have a 2 foot sump (50 liters) with just alot of filter floss, a heater and skimmer in it. Now i've been thinking about converting it into a DSB but i'm a bit limited for space Thats the idea i've got, nice simple easy to build. water...
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    Got a elegance/royal coral

    It's a 4 foot. I kept a eye on it last night to try see how far they extend and when and how they do but no sign of them. Are they simular to brains or are it's sweeper tentaciles the ones that you see in the photo?
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    sticky webbing

    sorry to wake up a old post, but, i have tons of this stuff aswell from my featherduster. What the hell is it?!!! are they eggs, poop, snot. My fish seem to enjoy eating it, is this good/bad?
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    Got a elegance/royal coral

    well thats cool :*) :*) Um well my clown seems like he might wanna host in it, he's become very teritorial of it and every now and again he might poke his head in it, is this how the procces begins, and will it hurt the coral at all? Like will he close up and not get light or what? And also...
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    Got a elegance/royal coral

    Okay i've been reading quite a bit about these corals, and it seems they prefer the sand. Should i place him in my crushed coral and which way up. One side is orange and the other is white.
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    Got a elegance/royal coral

    I saw this coral at one of my LFS today and asked how much it was just for the hell ove it, the guy said R200!!! about 15 pounds, thats about half what other shops sell them for. I explained to the gut what lighting i have and my water conditions and so forth, he rekons it shouldn't be a...
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    Algae on glass

    I've been looking at tons of photos of reef tanks and they all seem to have huge amounts of algae on the back and side walls. I have been wanting this to happen to my tank ever since i set it up and still no sign of it what so ever! Maybe this has to do with the fact that me tanks only been...
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    Leather coral, open or not?

    I bought this guy last week friday, so it's been over a week. It's been closed up all week and over the past two days he seems to be open a little. Will it open up completely like the other leathers or do just a few fealers come out. Sorry, but does anyone know the scientific name for this dude...
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    Thiunking of getting a MH

    Okay well i went to the LFS and realized that my wallet wasn't gonna allow me to get a MH, so i bought a 40-watt power-glo 18,000K, 180 lux. I have replaced my 30 watt sun-glo 6500K and now i'm wondering if i should still use the sun-glo or not? I love the new look, it really polishes the tank...
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    Yellow Tang

    Its about 300 liters or so. And I know it may out grow my tank but i geus that'll take about a year or 2 at least. Also i just noticed now that the lights are off that he's got a almost black patch with a white stripe on his side, looks very cool, like a undercover SS dude.
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    Yellow Tang

    well here's a pic
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    Yellow Tang

    Okay i went down to my LFS and after many hours of looking for that right fish, i found myself tempted towards a yellow tang. I spoke to a assistant and he told me it would be allright in a 4 foot, then the owner came and assured me it would be okay, this is a very respectable shop, they stock...
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    Coral placement?

    Hey, i been doing some aquascaping today and i'm just wondering. My pineapple brain, can i put it on my crushed coral or does it need to be on rock. And also my leather can they got directly onto the sand or what?
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    Thiunking of getting a MH

    Well now that i've started to get my coral collection going, and i've just managed to sell my car, i have been thinking about getting a metal halide. But I cant really decided if it's worth it. I have 4-40 watt tubes now (well 2 40 watts and 2 20 watts running at 40 watts), and my corals seem...
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    Short acclimatization, leather coral

    I bought a very nice leather coral today and rushed home to get it in me tank. I let it hang inside the tank for about 20 mins, then started dripping water in the bag for about half a hour and as i was letting it in the tank i noticed that half the water that i dripped in went into the outside...
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    Deep tank?

    Okay after much debating and thinking i've decieded to maybe consider thhinking about a new tank. I was gonna get a 6 foot but then decieded against it, due to space and money. But now i am thinking of getting a very deep 4 foot tank made. My tank is currently a standard 4 foot, 120x45x45cm and...
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    Any snorkelers out there?

    Me and me girlfriend have started snorkelling over the past few months, and i'm just wondering if anyone else round here does. We've got the luxory of staying about 5mins away from a reef which is secluded by the entrance to the harbour, but unfortunatly it's not a natural reef or a coral reef...
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    What i usually do is stuff quite a bit of filter floss down the vacum pipe and syphon the water back into my sump, as i asume that cleaning sand is mostly for mechanical filtration. And this saves me a trip to the beach to fetch more water aswell
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    A few pix of my marine

    Okay just a quick update, i finished moving and finished building me stand. but i dont think it's gonna stay this way for long as i'm about to upgrade to a 6 foot
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    Finished moving and building at last

    Um i think it's a standard 4 foot. 120cm by 45 by 45cms.
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    Finished moving and building at last

    thanx, but the madness never stops. I've been offered a 6 foot tank for about the same price as i can get for mine, so pretty much a straight swap. I know how much of a mission this is gonna be. 600 liters of water!!! thats a hell of a lot of trips to the beach! but i think i have to do it, for...
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    Calcium supplements

    Okay now that my tank has been running for about 4 months or so i've started stocking up on corals. I use 100% natural sea water, some of which has been collected from my near by reef but not allot. No my question is do i have to supplement my corals with calcium or not? I have about 22 kgs of...
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    Finished moving and building at last

    Thanx, thats the look i was going for. I used old salvaged wood that was used for flooring and polyfillered the holes up. But now i dont really know what to put in my overflow box, i especially made it quite large in order to put something in it, There's a few bio-balls (about 7) in there now...
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    Finished moving and building at last

    It's been a very long two weeks, I've just finished moving! Something i dont recomend to anyone with a fish tank, and i also had to build a stand for my tank as my old stand was looking a bit decrepid, so i whipped out some oregan pine, a few lenghts of square bar, welding machines, jig-saws...
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    Cleaner shrimps having millions of babies

    Hey at last I'm back online! yeah it was a really long night watching millions of shrimp getting eating and fighting for their lives, was a great sight one which i think every marine owner needs to see. I doubt very very mush that any of them surviveds at all, especially considering i moved 2...
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    Cleaner shrimps having millions of babies

    My crazy shrimps have just started giving birth to what looks like a million babies, But the strange thing is that they are both giving birth (i only have two) so i assume they're A sexual. My fish are having a field day eating as much as they can, but i turned the lights off to give them a bit...
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    Sump Without Cutting Glass?

    But you do have a continuos syphon, it is created in the flexihose. Take a airline hose create a syphon, then place it at the level of the water, it stops, drop it below the level it will continue - whala easy! I've been using this system for a couple of months now, i can post some better...
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    Sump Without Cutting Glass?

    You dont get a wet floor with overflow pipes! You just need to adjust the height of the T-piece to set the level of overflow, when it goes below that level it stops. It takes one or 2 big sucks to get it started, and i used a small airline tube to pull any aditional air left in the 180` bend...