Leather dead or alive?


Fish Crazy
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
:byebye: I'm quite worried, my devils hand leather has been all shriviled up for about almost 2 weeks now, It took for ever to open up after i aclimitised him but he did and he started to look really great for about 3 weeks, now one day he just never opened up, he looks a quite black and his trunk almost seems red. How do i know if he's alive, i thought it may be a worm or something so i'm trying to get a 6 line hopefully tomorrow.

Here's what he looked like in his glory days.
what does it feel like? hard.. soft, flexiable? does it seem to still have a light "mucus" membrane on it?
well today it seems to be alot harder and almost more black and stickier, I dont want to touch it or feel it. I doesn't apear to have any holes or cuts. I still dont know what to do? My yellow tang was picking at it a little today, could this be why he's closed up?

here a pick of what he now looks like

not being a reefer yet - I would guess its dead looking at the piccy.

I didnt think Tangs were reef safe either... that might explaine it :dunno:
I have been having a simular problem with one of my leathers so I have been watching this closely. I know that they will get small kinda shed a layer of skin for lack of a better word and then do fine, but this time it seems to be staying smal.I have a Yellow Tang and he is Reef safe he has never picked on any leathers or corals that I havenoticed. He does tend to be bossy with any new fish that come in but once the know hes the king all is well. I will continue to monitoring this thread and hopefully some one will have an answer for you.
They should be working now, today i noticed he was not looking so black had opened up a littlw, and even a few of his little pins were kinda sticking out. He olso appeared to have a glossy film like snakes do when they peel. So i'm hoping he's on the up and up. I'll post a pick tomorrow if he's looking better. seems strange tho going on almost 3 weeks

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