Finished moving and building at last


Fish Crazy
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
It's been a very long two weeks, I've just finished moving! Something i dont recomend to anyone with a fish tank, and i also had to build a stand for my tank as my old stand was looking a bit decrepid, so i whipped out some oregan pine, a few lenghts of square bar, welding machines, jig-saws, drill machines and allot of elbow grease. and 3 days later - stand finished tank moved and now i can relax.

But no, now i have to make a overflow box, cause those pipes where driving me mad and i wanted to turn over more L/H thro the sump, so down the the glass shop then plastic shop get it all made up, i wasn't feeling brave enough to cut the tank my self, so i asked my LFS expert to do that, a very nerve wracking 15 minutes i'll tell you that, but it all got sorted out and whalla here it is.

Thanx, thats the look i was going for. I used old salvaged wood that was used for flooring and polyfillered the holes up. But now i dont really know what to put in my overflow box, i especially made it quite large in order to put something in it, There's a few bio-balls (about 7) in there now but i doubt they're doing much

Here's a look at whats inside, i still need to paint the one door and fit a piece of wood below the tank so you dont see the foam.

That looks awesome! I love the look of the stand :thumbs:
thanx, but the madness never stops. I've been offered a 6 foot tank for about the same price as i can get for mine, so pretty much a straight swap. I know how much of a mission this is gonna be. 600 liters of water!!! thats a hell of a lot of trips to the beach! but i think i have to do it, for the fish, they NEED a bigger home!

And i've been so limited with my stocking options with my current tank, and i saw a beautiful sting ray today, dont know anything about them but i like what i see.

Edit: I've just been doing some finances and i phoned the lady who's selling the tank, she was gonna give to 2 metal halides for an extra R500 ( 45 pounds) but has decided to keep them, so all in all it's gonna cost about 120 Pounds, including to antic 40 watt lights+ballasts + 1 ehiem pump. BUt now i'm a bit worried as to how huch crushed coral and live rock i'm gonna need. i"ve now got about 25Kgs of both and i geus i'm gonna need alot more.
lovely looking tank. very nice DIY skills indeed. :cool:

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