sticky webbing


Oct 25, 2004
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I woke up to find a rather large mass of sticky stringy webbing. I know its from my featherdusters.

My question is, its not attatched to my dusters, should I leave it in there, or take it out?
You can remove it or it will eventually break down on its own.
sorry to wake up a old post, but, i have tons of this stuff aswell from my featherduster. What the hell is it?!!! are they eggs, poop, snot.

My fish seem to enjoy eating it, is this good/bad?
Its ok bob. I think its the dusters way of feeding. they shoot it out, wait till something tiny sticks on it and reel it back in and eat it. Thats what I think at least. Sometimes they arent attatched
Do you have lots of little "twigs" on your rock/powerheads/filter/etc? I just learned about these recently... learned what they are and how they eat. I too had seen the "netting" all over the tank and wondered what it was.

They're called vermetid snails. They live in those little calcerous tubes they build, and they eat by letting out a mucus netting, then pulling it back in after it has caught stuff. Apparently they thrive when there's plenty of dissolved organic compounds in the water..... so... get a skimmer. ;)

I wouldn't really be worried about it too much, unless you think it's choking out any of your corals from getting proper food. (do you feed your corals?) It's all just another part of mother nature's variety :)
no, I dont see any 'twigs' or any bumps or anything on the powerheads and such. it looks clean

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