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  1. T

    Upgrading To Larger Tank

    Sorry for my late reply.   The best I can guess is that it is lower than you are used to because it is spread out over much more water.   Don't forget also on many test kits nitrate can have a very subtle colour, making it hard to read the levels.   Again, sorry I'm late, but you seem to be...
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    Upgrading To Larger Tank

    It wouldn't be great for them in the long term to have temperature fluctuations if they are constant and large enough but I wouldn't worry about it if it's only a degree.   Were you measuring the temperature in the same part of the tank and is there a flow of water over the heater to distribute...
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    Upgrading To Larger Tank

    Get your new tank to the same temperature, de-chlorinate the water, and just transfer the fish and filter materials over, they'll be fine assuming there is nothing else wrong. In fact, if you transfer filter materials without the fish, your filter bacteria would die of starvation unless you fed...
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    Which Fish

    Just to chime in the Gourami discussion, female Pearls are usually pretty relaxed in my experience. The males are better looking, but I would only ever keep them with a couple of females because of potential aggression. I have a male with two females and have had absolutely no problems in a tank...
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    Need Help

    Not too clued up on Keyhole Cichlids so will leave that to other people, what i do know is that they are generally alright in communities but can be aggressive when breeding.   The Angelfish will probably kill each other if they are not paired together and if they are there is a good chance they...
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    Have Your Bettas Ever Gotten Along With Other Fish?

    Certain Betta's get along with certain types of other fish often enough. I would be willing to put (a lot of) money on the fact that any Betta you get will eat Molly fry, they will just be seen as live food.
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    Lighting Suggestions

    How silly of me, slipped my mind. Height- 20cm Width- 21cm Length- 36cm Measurements may be just a little off but not by more than a few mm. Techen - Looks like that could indeed work, I certainly like the idea. Livewire - I am going to keep Java Moss (maybe Java Fern) but seeing how the...
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    Lighting Suggestions

    Did not want to post this in the lighting topic as that tends to be for the more technical side of stuff.   To keep it short, i am looking for suggestions on how to light my tank, nothing too powerful or clever, just enough to see by:     Bonus Shrimp!:  
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    Is It Possible To Tell Roughly How Old Gourami's Are?

    Not any strict reasoning behind it but if i had to hazard a guess i would say they appear a bit on the young side, the younger ones always seem to have a certain look about them.
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    Probably A Silly Question :p

    Some fish (and inverts) live in brackish estuaries for their entire lives, salinity in these can vary from practically freshwater to practically saltwater.
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    Lfs Serious Problems Anyone?

    To give downright wrong information (whether deliberately or simply making it up as he goes along) is downright out of order. It would not be acceptable in any other industry (motor vehicle, computers, televisions, games consoles, cooking appliances are a few that i can think of off the top of...
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    Goldfish And Sororities

    I don't know the exact context or how it is where you are but i would imagine in a fair few places that counts as severe animal cruelty. Perhaps you should look into making an anonymous report to the appropriate authority.
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    'remember Me' Button Not Working

    Yea, any sort of privacy maintaining feature normally blocks cookies as standard, thus rendering many handy features such as that useless.
  14. T

    Dying Fish...

    A high pH should not cause fish to die like that unless it is ridiculously alkaline (to the strength of paint stripper or something) and if you try to change it chances are you will end up shocking the fish and destabilising the pH, doing far more harm than good. What exactly are all of your...
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    'remember Me' Button Not Working

    What browser are you using and is it possible you are in private/safe browsing mode?
  16. T

    Gravel Or Sand

    I feel i should mention that i was talking with some guys on another forum about black sand and the general consensus among the people who had experienced it with Cory's was that they were not happy with it due to the fact it is generally much sharper and  rougher than normal sand, so possibly...
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    Disgusted At The Lfs

    Glad to see they don't seem to popular if nobody is buying them.
  18. T


      Whenever i see the word 'Glofish' my mind always jumps to GM Zebra Danios....
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    Disgusted At The Lfs

      That could be true, all i know for sure is you can definitely get them here. I do know GM fish are banned but that is more due to safety/health concerns and whatnot rather than the fishes welfare.
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    Disgusted At The Lfs

      Nope, it's legal, just not a widespread practice due to bad publicity and disease.
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    Gravel Or Sand

    Personal preference and also dependent on what fish you want to keep. I have sand for my bottom dwellers but I would go back to black gravel if I could as I like the look and my fish look washed out over sand, also seems to make them skittish because it's so bright and reflects light.
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    Algae Eaters

    No fish will keep the glass of the tank truly clean for you, that is a job you will have to do yourself. If you do not like magnets then try a sponge designed for cleaning instead.    I would also never recommend adding a fish just to do a job or solve a problem as ultimately they just create...
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    Can Any One Tell Me The Difference Between Male And Female Tiger Barbs

    Tiger Barbs should be kept in a properly maintained group whether you are looking to breed them or not, in a properly sized tank of course.
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    Downright Cruel :-(

    I'm curious as to what he posted earlier. As the listing has been removed i'm looking at this through a somewhat limited point of view, did he earlier post something about keeping marine fish? (just to confirm i'm looking at the right person here) Is it the person who has just posted how 'people...
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    April Fish Of The Month Competition Entries

    It's a bad picture and I should feel bad, I know, I know.....  
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    R/o Water

    Using pure RO (presumably full-on RO/DI?) water without supplementing it with anything will remove beneficial vitamins, minerals and other things fish and plants need for long-term good health. I would not be willing to hazard a guess at whether the use of RO water is a major factor in the...
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    A Few Angelfish Related Questions

    Odessa Barbs need temperatures way too low for Angels to be comfortably kept. I have kept Snakeskins with an Angel temporarily and would not recommend it, they are quite shy and skittish. Cherry Barbs could work but fully grown Angels may eat them
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    Tiger Barbs Dying

    Have you checked for ammonia in water straight from the tap?
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    Not strictly true, higher pH means a higher toxicity of ammonia, but high pH will not make ammonia appear out of nowhere.
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    Tiger Barbs Dying

    Have you checked for any dead fish or other rotting matter?
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    Killifish Or Angelfish

    Angels will not necessarily eat Neons, many people keep them fine together as long as the Angels are kept with them from a young age. Don't forget that many Killifish are a predatory fish and if they have the chance they will hunt any fish small enough to eat. You would have to be careful about...
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    We're To Buy Aquatic Frogs Merseyside / Northwest

    Don't think i've ever been to a shop that does not stock them, you should find them easily by browsing around.
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    Magic Aquarium Ball?

    Looks a load of rubbish, you just have to look at the ingredients. The only useful thing I see is methylene blue and I certainly do not like the idea of adding plaster of Paris to a tank, especially knowing what it does to human lungs.
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    Hardy Fish For Beginners

    Betta's - Not so sure i personally would consider Betta's to be a 'very hardy' fish. Even if there is an ounce of truth in it (which i have yet to believe as Anabantoids in general seem to be easily irritated), i would still not tell people they can live in bad water conditions as people may...
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    How Many Fish In 50L Tank?

    Depends on what fish..........
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    Cichlids, 2 Dead.....confused

    Ammonia levels like that would be more than enough to finish off a young fish, especially at a higher end pH. You should perform a large water change as soon as possible. I'm guessing this tank is not cycled?
  37. T

    Word Filtering.

    It was a ridiculously tight-fisted previous mod who set that filter because they got ultra-offended by it's use, i'm gonna go ahead and hope i'm not crucified for saying that.... after all, it's only the truth.
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    April Fish Of The Month Competition Entries

    That i do Ruskull, that i do. Non annuals can last a few years depending on conditions they are kept in, lets face it though, they still can't stand toe-to-toe with a Pearl in regards to how good they are :P . Seeing how everybody is already off-topic i might as well take this chance to...
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    Low-tech Juwel Rio 180

    Better late than never i guess:         My baby Cory i found in the filter is getting a bit bigger now :)       The two are personal my favourites:  
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    Upper Level Fish

    Size of the tank? Type of Tetras? Temperature of tank? Is the water soft or hard?