Lighting Suggestions


Fish Addict
Jul 23, 2011
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Did not want to post this in the lighting topic as that tends to be for the more technical side of stuff.
To keep it short, i am looking for suggestions on how to light my tank, nothing too powerful or clever, just enough to see by:

Bonus Shrimp!:

What are the dimensions, and are you planning on any plants?
Could get one of these
If your not wanting to grow plants your best bet is to get a cheap LED strip or clip on LED light from Ebay. 
There are lots of different colors to choose from. 
Techen - I misread the wording on that box as "Disco Light" :eek:
eaglesaquarium said:
What are the dimensions
How silly of me, slipped my mind.

Height- 20cm Width- 21cm Length- 36cm

Measurements may be just a little off but not by more than a few mm.

Techen - Looks like that could indeed work, I certainly like the idea.
Livewire - I am going to keep Java Moss (maybe Java Fern) but seeing how the tank should get some sunlight those lights could work.
daize- Don't think my shrimp would appreciate that too much :p
Lots of options really... You could basically just head over to the local hardware store and find something that sits on top.  Are you planning to keep it without a lid, or are you going to put a lid on it in the future?

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