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  1. T

    10 Gallon Reboot (Lot Of Questions)

    yeah thats what i was thinking most likely try to get an amazing looking betta of aquabid     has anyone had good luck with black gravel? i had it in my tank before but over time it looses its color ? 
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    10 Gallon Reboot (Lot Of Questions)

    Hey all so I've got a 10 gallon that i haven't run in a long time and i want to start it up again.  so im trying to get all my ideas lined up before i start     want it to look really clean/professional. thinking black background,  (already have heater that keeps the tank at 77-78 F, and an...
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    Finally Have A Tank Im Proud Of

    thanks yeah it takes a bit of money, and patience thats for sure
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    Finally Have A Tank Im Proud Of

    So ive had this 30 gallon tank for probably about a year and a half, aquaclear 70, 150 watt heater (always 80 degrees), and live plants of course i usually kept community stocking but wanted to try something different and ended up with 6 tiger barb's and a firemouth cichlid switched the bulb...
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    New Betta, Bubble Nest!

    well guys i have a 10 gallon tank thats been cycled for some time and decided to purchase a betta for it. i forget the specific type but they are called dragon bettas i believe. anyways i've had him for a few days and hes been very active and already started building a bubble nest!! pic of...
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    How Often Should I Change Water? Plant Troubles

    do you know any good all around fertilizer? (like any good brands or certain ones that are supposed to be good) would something like this be a good idea: i know im asking a ton of question but i'd like to make sure i do this properly
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    How Often Should I Change Water? Plant Troubles

    do you think that with turning off my air stone, changing water more frequently and changing my bulb to a new t8 should i be good? how long do you think it would take for the plants to look healthy again ? (generally speaking) if these dont work, what would you recommend next ? either...
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    wow all of your tanks looks great man! :D
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    How Often Should I Change Water? Plant Troubles

    also from what ive read i should probably turn off my airstone (which may also be decreasing co2 a bit)
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    How Often Should I Change Water? Plant Troubles

    do you have a good resources to recommend?
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    How Often Should I Change Water? Plant Troubles

    its actually floating, with its roots slightly buried. but not its "body" i forget the term, nodules ?0 do you mean i need fertilizer and co2 injection? also youve responded to a bunch of my post, can you send me a link to your tank?
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    How Often Should I Change Water? Plant Troubles

    yeah im not expert on plants eitehr where i got that from was "yellowing leaves - high nitrate content from lack of water changes Make a series of moderate water changes." (Source Link ) t8 bulb (the kind thats supposed to support plant growth) ive never used fertalizer or co2.
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    How Often Should I Change Water? Plant Troubles

    unfortunately i got a bit lapse with my water changes and beacuse of which my plants have begun yellowing and disintegrating a bit over the past few days i've done 2 30% water changes what im wondering is ,how often should i do water changes currently? and how long will it take for them to...
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    30 Gallon Cichlid Tank? Stocking Help ?

    thinking ill get a single firemouth cichlid and maybe some smaller fish any recommendations on what to keep with it?
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    30 Gallon, Stocking ?

    edit: nvm
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    30 Gallon, Stocking ?

    that works id love to have a firemouth. any suggestion on what else to stock with it ? as far as bottom feeders
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    30 Gallon, Stocking ?

    thanks for your detailed answer. do you have an recommendations? (like specific breeds) for a medium new world cichlid (6" max) because i'd be cool with having 1 fish that large and some small bottom dwellers i really wish jack dempsey didn't get as long, love how they look
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    30 Gallon, Stocking ?

    actually ive had rams and kribs before. i tried to pair kribs but one of them always killed of the other. i like how apistos look but havent seen many around. the other thing is im kinda tired of normal community tanks (like a school of tetras, a ram and a krib) is what i'd like to move...
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    30 Gallon Cichlid Tank? Stocking Help ?

    updated op because ive decided that i'd like to go with cichlids most likely help based of the list i posted would be great, although always open to any suggestions
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    30 Gallon, Stocking ?

    so i have an established 30 gallon tank measures 12 x 19 x 30 had an aquaclear 70 on it (which is for 70 gallon tanks so its over filtered) heated and gravel bottom. as well as a good amount of live plants completely cool with doing a cichlid only species tank anyways its been cycled for...
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    Best Way To Deep Clean A Filthy Tank ?

    yeah it sucks because id love to just do like 50% a day for a few days, but too often causes things to fluctuate too much (like ph)
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    30 Gallon Cichlid Tank? Stocking Help ?

    very interesting recommendations as well. ive never tried brackish before but will have to consider it
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    Recommendations For Centerpiece Fish?

    what kind of fish is this?
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    Best Way To Deep Clean A Filthy Tank ?

    I have an old 30 gallon tank that has been somewhat neglected, its still cycled and had fish in it currently. its going to take a lot of water changes to get it cleaned up, what im wondering about is whats the max amount i can change at a time, and how often? and should i keep my live...
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    30 Gallon Cichlid Tank? Stocking Help ?

    bump. need ideas
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    30 Gallon Cichlid Tank? Stocking Help ?

    thanks for the suggestions! only problem is i haven't heard of any of the 3 and dont think i could find any of them locally. (changed op to reflect this). sorry for not thinking to add that to the op. i must say African Butterfly Fish are pretty awesome looking though !
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    30 Gallon Cichlid Tank? Stocking Help ?

    so i have an established 30 gallon tank measures 12 x 19 x 30 had an aquaclear 70 on it (which is for 70 gallon tanks so its over filtered) heated and gravel bottom. as well as a good amount of live plants completely cool with doing a cichlid only species tank anyways its been cycled for...
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    Breeding Jack Dempseys

    awesome looking jd's. and man thats a lot of fry what are you planning on does with them when they all get bigger ?
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    New Bolivian Ram (Help Sex? / Check It Out)

    thanks, yeah as soon as i saw its coloring i knew i couldnt leave without buying yeah its only been a day so itll take some time to settle in ( wont start eating yet either) great pics, this should be stickied on here somewhere.
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    New Bolivian Ram (Help Sex? / Check It Out)

    i was at petco today the other day and i found a bolivian ram and picked him up for about 6 months. not sure if he/she is young or a small female? any idea how to sex? anwyays was curious about the gender and just wanted to show you a pic (its coloring is pretty awesome) anyways this...
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    Looking For Something Else For My 10 Galllon?

    betta community? like what mixture? because you cant have 2 males, so all females or 1 male and females?
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    Looking For Something Else For My 10 Galllon?

    so i've got an established 10 gallon tank with 5 zebra danio (about 1" each) anways im looking for suggestions as to what else i should add into the tank standard 10 gallon tank, heated, aquaclear 20, live plants and driftwood. (gravel bottom) pic of the tank: so what would you add into...
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    30 Gallon Before And After

    the live plant in the center i removed because it wasnt doing very well. yeah put my peppered cory in my breeding net so i could keep them there for a day or so till i can donate them back to a fish store. (i believe your not supposed to keep them on gravel, and algae wafers were making my...
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    30 Gallon Before And After

    btw if anyone could actually post something relating to the op that would be great :shifty:
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    30 Gallon Before And After

    btw where did you buy the betta in your signature?
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    30 Gallon Before And After

    lol yay for non relative comments 8-)
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    30 Gallon Before And After

    no problem, i had a really hard time keeping it clean, even with frequent water changes, if it gets kicked up it gets in to the filter (which is annoying), my peppered cory and other fish would kick up sand which would then stick to my plants (which would kill them), a bit easier for plants to...
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    30 Gallon Before And After

    well im exhausted, spent the past few hours switching my 30 gallon over from sand to gravel. had trouble keeping it clean, and it was always getting all over my plants and starting to kill them. before : after (will remove the breeding net, just keeping my peppered cory in there till i...
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    Can Delete This If You Want

    -bump- could really use stocking suggestions
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    Can Delete This If You Want

    edit nvm post can be deleted