Looking For Something Else For My 10 Galllon?


Fish Crazy
Apr 25, 2011
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so i've got an established 10 gallon tank with 5 zebra danio (about 1" each)

anways im looking for suggestions as to what else i should add into the tank

standard 10 gallon tank, heated, aquaclear 20, live plants and driftwood. (gravel bottom)

pic of the tank:


so what would you add into this tank?
I don't think your Danios will be happy in your tank as they are a very active species so even a small group needs a tank with minimum dimensions of 24″ x 15″ x 12″/60cm x 37.5cm x 30cm/70.8 litres/20 gallons. Sorry it's not what you want to hear.
so i've got an established 10 gallon tank with 5 zebra danio (about 1" each)

anways im looking for suggestions as to what else i should add into the tank

standard 10 gallon tank, heated, aquaclear 20, live plants and driftwood. (gravel bottom)

pic of the tank:


so what would you add into this tank?

cory cats.. I luzz cory cats..
I'm in agreement with KISS here, those danios really need a bigger home as it is - I wouldn't put them in anything less than 15-20 US gallons. I would get them rehomed then think of other options to stock the tank. You could have a betta community, smaller shoaling fish (eg microrasbora), male endlers, killifish, etc - there's a fair amount of options out there.
I'm in agreement with KISS here, those danios really need a bigger home as it is - I wouldn't put them in anything less than 15-20 US gallons. I would get them rehomed then think of other options to stock the tank. You could have a betta community, smaller shoaling fish (eg microrasbora), male endlers, killifish, etc - there's a fair amount of options out there.

betta community? like what mixture? because you cant have 2 males, so all females or 1 male and females?
You could probably fit a nice Dwarf Gourami as a centerpiece fish. A small school of 6 Glowlights or Cardinals and a few smaller Corys. I had a 10 gallon tank with a Dwarf Gourami, 5 Glowlights & 3 Guppy males for awhile that did very well.

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