10 Gallon Reboot (Lot Of Questions)


Fish Crazy
Apr 25, 2011
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Hey all so I've got a 10 gallon that i haven't run in a long time and i want to start it up again. 
so im trying to get all my ideas lined up before i start
want it to look really clean/professional. thinking black background,  (already have heater that keeps the tank at 77-78 F, and an aquaclear 20. (trying to decide i should use carbon fiber in it or another filter pad?)
white or black gravel??
live plants (not sure which ones, probably anubias?) 
stocking not sure, thinking possibly crayfish or order a great looking betta, or some form of ram or something different 
basically looking for suggestions for the gravel / plants / stocking. 
any ideas would be appreciated.  
for reference its this tank specifically petsmart http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3804453 
also does anyone know if its better to put live plants in before or after the cycle ?
If you are adding only a few minor plants, its best to wait at least until the last week or so of the cycle to add plants.
Substrate: Dark substrate
Plants: easiest are anubias, java fern.
Stocking:  Keep it small, as the tank isn't that big.
I like tiny fish in larger numbers, but that's just me.  A group of microrasboras like 6-8, with a few cherry shrimp would look fantastic, IMHO.  
Here are some ideas for a 10 gallon tank.
I suggest not using the carbon filter, keep one in the cupboard for if/when you need to remove old medication from the water, but don't use one on an ongoing basis.
If you've got the wonga to get a seriously good betta from Aquabid or similar, and your filter isn't too powerful, then I'd go that route. Nothing says "wow" in an aquarium like an awesome Fighter.
Plants in a 10G:- anubias are good, I have a rampant Cryptocoryne Wendtii in mine.
Substrate:- Dark is better for accentuating the colours of the fish.
I've never really been a betta fan, but my son (about to turn 7) keeps pushing for a fish of his very own - in his room.  I might break down and go the betta route.  Small enough requirement that I would have no qualm on putting it in his bedroom... the issue would be that I would be the one taking care of it more than him!  
For me, they look better in still photos when they are flaring their fins than they do swimming around.  I like fish that MOVE.  :D
eaglesaquarium said:
I've never really been a betta fan, but my son (about to turn 7) keeps pushing for a fish of his very own - in his room.  I might break down and go the betta route.  Small enough requirement that I would have no qualm on putting it in his bedroom... the issue would be that I would be the one taking care of it more than him!  
For me, they look better in still photos when they are flaring their fins than they do swimming around.  I like fish that MOVE.  
Yeah, but they've got charisma. You can interact with them, they have a personality. I take it you've tried interacting with a neon tetra? No?
Sure did... he had popeye and I had to pull him out to put him in quarantine... Honestly, it appeared he winked at me as I put him into the QT.  Then he pouted because he was all alone.  He didn't eat, he just "sat" there despondent.  I kept him alone for 2 weeks - salt, daily water changes, etc.  The swelling never went down, the condition never worsened, so I gave up on the QT.  He's now back in the main tank, and you'd never know he had a problem, except when you see the one eye.  I figure it must have been from an injury (when its a disease, it usually affects both eyes).  He's eating again, shoaling with the others again, and every now and then, he gives me a wink!  ;)
My son would actually really enjoy being able to interact with the fish, so I may just do it.  (First, I'll need to convince my wife!)
the_lock_man said:
I suggest not using the carbon filter, keep one in the cupboard for if/when you need to remove old medication from the water, but don't use one on an ongoing basis.
If you've got the wonga to get a seriously good betta from Aquabid or similar, and your filter isn't too powerful, then I'd go that route. Nothing says "wow" in an aquarium like an awesome Fighter.
Plants in a 10G:- anubias are good, I have a rampant Cryptocoryne Wendtii in mine.
Substrate:- Dark is better for accentuating the colours of the fish.
yeah thats what i was thinking most likely try to get an amazing looking betta of aquabid
has anyone had good luck with black gravel? i had it in my tank before but over time it looses its color ? 

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