Search results

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    Apistogramma Agassizii

    Hi, about a month ago I purchased what I thought was one male and 3 female juvenile flame red agassizii as I was told they should be kept in a harem. It now turns out I have two pairs. Should I add some females to make two harems? Should I remove one of the males? Should I do both?   The tank is...
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    Would You Add Anything Else To This Tank?

    why don't you try aq to check your stocking? I find it very useful.
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    Plant Id Please

    I would second the bacopa but unsure about species.
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    Glowlights Or Cardinals

    The rasboras do look good but I was looking to set it up as a south american tank, hence the tetras. I may end up with rummy nose tetras though.
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    Sawbwa Resplendens

    Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has kept or seen these fish before? I saw them on flickr here: and thought that they looked cool. Dan
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    What's Happen To Tropic?

    Just wondering if Tropica has stopped selling as their website isn't working for me. Can anyone else access the site or enlighten me ????
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    Powerhead For River Reef 48L Tank

    Hi, was thinking of setting up my river reef again and when I got it out of the deep dark depths of the garage there was no powerhead. I was wondering if anyone had one that wasn't being used; unlikely i know. Thanks in advanced Dan
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    Tff Ei Fertiliser

    I was trying to work out how i would dose my tank that I am planning. It is not up and running but found this when looking for ei ferts and wondered what the chelated trace elements were. Any help with ei dosing and what is in the trace elements would be much appreciated. :good: Daniel
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    Suitable Plants For South American Set Up

    I am looking to do a South American tank, heavily planted and was wondering which plants will go in. Early days at the moment but it will likely have JBL aquabasis under sand in a Rio 240. Unsure about ferts or lighting (may need some help with that later) but will be high tech for sure. First...
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    Cory Eggs

    I used to hatch Bronze Cory eggs in the lid of one of the CD spindle things; you know the things that you buy loads of empty cd's in? You can then put that in the tank and put an airstone in and hey presto you have a hatchery!!!
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    Food Advice

    Could you not get some tablet food and stick it onto the glass of the tank?
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    Breeding Cherry Barbs

    I have seen a product from JBL called artemio which you can use to grow brine shrimp. It looks pretty intuitive but I have never used one.
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    Glowlights Or Cardinals

    I am looking to set up a rio 240l with 4 apistogramma cacatuoides and 12 corydoras adolfoi. It will be planted and I was wondering which of the above would be better suited to the tank? It will be heavily planted. Dan
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    Jbl Cirstalprofi External

    I don't actually have one of these, was just looking at some classifieds and saw one. It is made by JBL and seems to have lots of spare media
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    Live Food

    Thank you Oldman was really just wondering about the easiest ones to grow for a tank I'm looking to set up in the near future. The information was very useful, thank you.
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    Sand And Substrate Fertiliser

    I was thinking of using JBL aquabasis under sand and was wondering if it would stay under or if it would get dug out by cories?
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    How Big Is Your Cae?

    Just wondering how big your CAE is. Put mine a tank that had just been cycled and was covered in algae. He was less than 2" in and is now at least 8" if not more, with a diameter of a penny :unsure:
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    Pearl Forum Drum Kit

    Just curious as to how much people are willing to pay for a wine red pearl forum drum kit. Sensible offers please. :lol:
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    Purple Ram?

    Thanks, can't see much of a difference though. Seem just the same as other rams though.
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    Best Cory Vote

    I like C121's and Davidsandi, but it is all a matter of personal preference
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    Jbl Cirstalprofi External

    Anyone used one of these?
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    Live Food

    Was just wondering if it is possible to grow your own live food?
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    Purple Ram?

    I thought that might have been the case, but it was on tropical fish finder, which - thought would have been a valid source considering it represents shops such as Wildwoods with good reputations.
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    Purple Ram?

    I saw an advert for them online, but no pic. Do they exist and if so do you have a photo?
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    Dwarf Cichlids For Rio 125

    This question is probably asked by many, but what would you recommend for a Juwel Rio 125 tank? I am looking to have a South American themed tank so possibly in with some small tetras and cories, but am struggling for what dwarf cichlids to choose. Dan