Purple Ram?


New Member
Mar 24, 2011
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I saw an advert for them online, but no pic. Do they exist and if so do you have a photo?
No, it is probably a blue ram (M. ramirezi).
I thought that might have been the case, but it was on tropical fish finder, which - thought would have been a valid source considering it represents shops such as Wildwoods with good reputations.
Reportedly there is a purple ram that is a colour morph of the blue ram. But I've never seen a picture of one, let alone stock of them anywhere
I've seen them with a rosy pink rear half of the body but never a real purple.

Poor things have been so weakened from inbreeding it's a real shame...beautiful fish though if you have suitable water to keep them in.
this site seems to be selling them, the picture looks like nothing more than ordinary blue rams to me

Thanks, can't see much of a difference though. Seem just the same as other rams though.

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