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  1. P

    Fin Rot

    the disease seems to begin at the end of their tail fin, appearing as a clear segment that seems to have a brown tint. Unfortunately, the betta it seems to be effecting is dark blue- can't see red streaks, other than the ones that are part of his coloration.
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    Fin Rot

    I bought a betta, and unfortunately neglected to quarantine.. resulting in the death of it, and it's tank mate (I have a divider!) of fin rot. I kept the tank free of fish for about a week.. and then added a fresh pair. Now one of them is showing signs of fin rot. I would change my water...
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    Fin Rot

    I've lost three bettas to fin rot.. and I have one that is now beginning to show signs. What is my best method of treatment?
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    In reference to keeping puffers, some websites mention a kH water perameter. I don't quite recall what exactly kH is in reference to. Any help?
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    First time breeder..

    I remember trying to hatch brine shrimp before, and being unsuccessful.. this time I opted for some hikari "first bites," and liquifry.. should that be okay?
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    SpongeBobSquare Pants Tank!

    I've seen what you're talking about.. they're pretty small- might as well just leave them in their wal-mart cup if you intend on putting them in one of those. I don't know why anyone would advise against a background.. A gallon is a unit of measurement in which we measure water.. Think milk jug.
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    First time breeder..

    A bit of a follow-up.. My beautiful BubbleNest, as it were on Tuesday My fry, which hatched today..
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    First time breeder..

    is it possible that they were not fertilized?
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    First time breeder..

    My pardise fish have spawned.. few questions -when will they hatch -how many eggs are typically laid -how many hatch -how can I increase my odds of being successful -what do I feed the fry when they hatch Thanks!
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    Baby Whale

    baby whales are a lot more docile than ENF.
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    Low-water level filtration

    I dropped the water in my 75 gallon so I could have room for the turtle to get out an bask.. but I know my biowheel filter isn't happy about it. In order to prime after a power outage, I have to add water in, and then I can suck it out again.. The water level is about 6 inches below the brim...
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    Paradise Betta

    This is a Blue Paradise Gourami.. or Paradise Fish. I purchased some last weekend from Petsmart. It IS an anabantid, or labyrinth fish (sp?). In otherwords, closely related to the betta. They are more common than you would think.. look around! :)
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    Another Crazy Combination..

    thank you very much, tstenback!! My LFS basically told me I was setting myself up for failure no matter what.. But I have suffered no casualties yet... lets see if maybe I can co-habitate fish and turtles as well!
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    Another Crazy Combination..

    I have successfully kept puffers and ENs in a 5 gallon before.. I know to watch for behavior changes, and swap tanks as needed... my main questions were regarding the turtle situation. Thanks everyone for the compliments!
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    3 quick questions

    2. no.. if anything, they probably like it when you re-arrange their furniture. It's a form of enrichment! :)
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    my new puppy

    a little young to be leaving mommy.. anyway, I'm american.. and apparently not enlightened.. what is a Lercher?
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    Another Crazy Combination..

    Not sure if anyone remembers me.. it's been a while. I used to be Calusa. Anyway. I recently plunged back into keeping fish. My new room was custom built to have room for four mini-bow 5 tanks built into my bed, which is made to look as if it was built into the wall (how many times can one say...
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    Elephant Nose

    What has worked well for me and my elephants is to buy one of those shower containers that hooks inside the tank via suction cups, and has holes in it.. you can get them quite large now a days. At feeding time, catch the elephant nose and put it in the shower container. They quickly become...