First time breeder..


New Member
Jun 3, 2004
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
My pardise fish have spawned.. few questions

-when will they hatch
-how many eggs are typically laid
-how many hatch
-how can I increase my odds of being successful
-what do I feed the fry when they hatch

Hey there! Heres a link I found while researching. Hope it helps somehow! :D
Depending on the water temp they may hatch in under a day, and if the amount that hatch depends on the amount that got fertilized, put plastic wrap over the top to make the air in the tank moist and humid, feed infusia and when they get bigger feed brine shrimp.

A bit of a follow-up..

My beautiful BubbleNest, as it were on Tuesday

My fry, which hatched today..
I remember trying to hatch brine shrimp before, and being unsuccessful.. this time I opted for some hikari "first bites," and liquifry..

should that be okay?
Hi ParidiseFish :)

I would not recommend using the Liquifry for your babies. :no:

With paradise fish as well as gouramis, you will want to avoid doing anything that might coat the surface of the water.

If you are pressed for something to feed them, you might want to try experimenting with tiny bits of hard boiled egg yolk. Kossy, one of our former mods, used to suggest mixing a piece about the size of a grain of rice, with tank water and feeding his bettas with that, so it's worth a try if you cannot get infusoria at this late stage.

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