Fin Rot

Melafix is good if the problem is at an early stage. This sounds more serious though, Interpet anti fungus and finrot treatment is good, I've used this successfully before.

You may also want to check the water flow in your tank created by your filter. Betta's do not like currents, I lost 2 a couple of years ago because of this before i found this out. Each one died within 48 hrs, you could almost see the fins eroding. Thats's the only time I've lost fish to finrot.

Hope this helps
With finrot look out for red streaks in the tail and a red edging to the tail.
I bought a betta, and unfortunately neglected to quarantine.. resulting in the death of it, and it's tank mate (I have a divider!) of fin rot.

I kept the tank free of fish for about a week.. and then added a fresh pair. Now one of them is showing signs of fin rot.

I would change my water, completely, but unfortunately, I'm in the middle of the city, and have horrible amounts of chlorine.

I suppose I'll pour some from the tap tonight and let it sit.

I didn't think that the disease would stay in the tank without any fish present..
the disease seems to begin at the end of their tail fin, appearing as a clear segment that seems to have a brown tint.

Unfortunately, the betta it seems to be effecting is dark blue- can't see red streaks, other than the ones that are part of his coloration.
That definately sounds like finrot, get some finrot specific meds and follow the instructions carefully. What filter are you running? Does it produce a strong current? As i said in my previous post, this could be the cause of your problems, however you now need to medicate the tank to fix the existing problem, Interpet finrot treatment has worked for me in the past.

Let us know how you get on and good luck!
melafix is excellent for treating damaged fins or fish with fin-rot, but i agree that you should use some medication for treating it if it is serious!
I've had success treating my betta, that had finrot when I purchased him, with Maracyn II. It works wonders... :nod:
Finrot is caused when the fish in question has become stressed either by harassment or more likely poor water conditions. The bacteria that cause finrot is always present in the aquarium and only effects the fish when their immune system is down.

Medication is normally only used when the rot is at a mature stage, The first thing that should be done is plenty of water changes and monitor the water quality.
Cut back on the food too as this adds to the pollution in the water.

If there is finrot in a tank you have to find the cause or else it will just keep happening, It happened to me a few years back, some of my fish were getting frayed fins on regular basis, Eventually i found out that it was all the dirt that gathered under the wood in my tank and theres alot. And since i take it all out every so often to clean out the gunk the problem hasn't reacured.
Does your tank have a filter and if so what kind? I have a betta that I am treating with Melafix and I think his problems started from the filter in his 2.5 gallon. I came with a whisper 10 and I didn't turn it down. It was running wide open, about 90 gph and blowing him all around. I have now turned it down as low as it will go and he seems to be much more comfortable.

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