Another Crazy Combination..


New Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Not sure if anyone remembers me.. it's been a while. I used to be Calusa.

Anyway. I recently plunged back into keeping fish. My new room was custom built to have room for four mini-bow 5 tanks built into my bed, which is made to look as if it was built into the wall (how many times can one say built in one sentence?)

In a quest to fill these tanks, I made a list of my favorite fish species. Two of which my LFS currently lacks, and has no idea when they're coming in. Elephant Nose and Fig-8 Puffers. My other tanks have a pair of newts, and a trio of Paradise Fish. I am beginning to believe the paradise fish are all male.. so I shall be remedying that soon. One of them has built (there is that word again) a beautiful bubble nest, and I've been thinking about getting him some women, and maybe attempting to breed.

I finally got sick of my 75 gallon looking sad... and bought a Turtle (who still needs a name). I figured she'd eat all the fish I had in there pretty quickly (some funky large, expensive danio, two zerba danios, and a rosy-fin barb). It's only been a day, but I've only seen her go after the fish after they pick on her, and she hasn't ever lunged at them. Now I'm truly wondering if I can somehow manage to stock that tank up, and maybe get a breeding situation of some species going.. and see if I can successfully co-habitate turtle and fish. Species I had in mind are things like tiger barbs zebra danios, and maybe paradise fish, if I breed and get a surplus. I bought one of those tank ornaments that looks much like a mangrove, which is big enough for the fish to dart into, but small enough that it's a safe place from the turtle.

SO, a few questions.

-anyone experienced in co-habitating turtles and fish?
-anyone experienced in breeding paradise fish?
I'm sorry, I can't answer either question, but I just want to say your bed looks awesome! That's such a good idea! :hyper:
what a cool bed!!!!! oh thats so great!!! I love the coloured lids on the tanks, theyre so purty!

sorry, no experience of any of those.
The room is amazing please do not show it to my kids. :lol: The elaphant nose is not a good fish for a 5 gal as it get 8 - 9 inches in length and likes swimming room. The puffer will fit but i have heard they like a 10 gal min. but this is just hearsay as i dont keep them. HTH :)
I have successfully kept puffers and ENs in a 5 gallon before.. I know to watch for behavior changes, and swap tanks as needed... my main questions were regarding the turtle situation.

Thanks everyone for the compliments!
thank you very much, tstenback!!

My LFS basically told me I was setting myself up for failure no matter what.. But I have suffered no casualties yet... lets see if maybe I can co-habitate fish and turtles as well!
I have heard turtles need 3x the filtering that fish need and they make messy solid waste. If you keep up on that maybe it will be fine.

Is that bed counter sunk into the wall? Must be tough to make the bed. Maybe its just the picture but it looks like its in a tunnel.

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