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  1. weezebegs


    About 3 months ago I purchased a lovely piece of bogwood with plant attached. I now have ...millions of baby snails, ok not quite a million, they are really small, just larger than a grain of sand and there are so many I can't count. I have just done my weekly clean but have hardly removed any...
  2. weezebegs

    Fish Dying 12 Hours After Setup

    I was here in January, did it all wrong under advice from my LFS, thankfully you will come out the otherside too and a lot wiser. Unfortunately I lost fish too, but once I started the daily water testing and water changes I lost no more. I will warn you though it took about 6 weeks for my tank...
  3. weezebegs

    Sick Cory

    Well I have no update really, stil can't see any obvious signs of illness. the little chappie has a good swim/feed then spends the next few hours just laying on the bed or resting againt the bogwood. If I didn't know better I woud say he looks sad.... He used to be so active has anybody had...
  4. weezebegs

    My Complete Roma 125 Journal.

    looking forward to seeing the first photo of the new tenants....what fish are going in first
  5. weezebegs

    Sick Cory

    Good news my Cory seems a bit brighter today after the water change. I have 2 cory's and they always swim around together but my poorly one has just been sulking on the floor. He is still not back to himself, mainly still on the floor, but he is more interested in eating and is occasionally...
  6. weezebegs

    Sick Cory

    Sorry just realised not enough info. 48l tank, planted with live plants, bogwood, moss ball 4 guppies, 3 Danios, 4 Penguin Tetra. Water changing twice a week. Had the Cory's for about 2 weeks now, the poorly one was spot on yesterday it's just today that he/she has become lifeless
  7. weezebegs

    Sick Cory

    I have a lifless Albino Cory....sitting on the floor under the plants for shelter not swimming. Very occassionally swims, even when I feed them he doesn't seem fussed. Not gasping, showing no symptoms of anything, water tested fine. Just about to do a water change....any ideas please
  8. weezebegs

    New To The Hobby - Corydoras Tank

    yes please more photo's
  9. weezebegs

    Albino Cory's

    Hmmm, I was worried about that.... they are too big for my tank. I currently have 2 in my 48l tank so I now need to save up for a bigger tank and stock with Cory's....I have really fallen for these little guy.....I could watch them all day
  10. weezebegs

    Albino Cory's

    How big do Albino Cory's get ??
  11. weezebegs

    Is This More Bad Advice...

    Didn't want to take my Danio's back really out of loyalty as they got me through my fish in cycle..... perhaps I'll take the penguins back, especially as one is really nippy.
  12. weezebegs

    Is This More Bad Advice...

    As many of you know I bought a tank at christmas as a family christmas present and started a fish in cycle under advice from LFS. Well we have finally completed our painfull cycle and have a happy tank (apart from a nippy peguin tetra) I have a 48l tank and want to know how you work out your...
  13. weezebegs

    Albino Cory

    do you think if i designated a sand corner in my tank that might work. I have ordered some bogwood so I thought about sitting that on some sand and having the rest gravel or does that sound like too much hard work
  14. weezebegs

    I Couldn't Resist More Corys...

    how can you sec cory's I have 2 but have no idea how to tell the difference, not looking to breed just out of curiosity
  15. weezebegs

    Poorly Fancy Goldfish

    Kittencapes so glad your oroginal fish has pulled through, I have one out of my 4 danios left too. Have you decided to stick to the one or get a bigger tank now and get more
  16. weezebegs

    New To The Hobby - Corydoras Tank

    Well at least you have something to watch in your tank whilst you cycle :lol:
  17. weezebegs

    Fish Swap

    I think I am going to loose another neon......just put the fish to bed and turned off the light and one of my neon is head down bum up.....
  18. weezebegs

    Fish Swap

    lilfishie...Glad you asked about what sex.... I am new to this and has just finished a very tiresome fish in cycle (Yes I know....bad advice from LFS) so have been concentrating on that and keeping my fish alive. Once my tank is fully stocked up I would love to think that I could have some...
  19. weezebegs

    Fish Swap

    MMMmm I don't think that will fit in my tank......lovely vid though. lost another neon last night..came downstairs this morning and saw the shrimp getting an early breakfast treat. Don't think my tank is mature enough for neon' will put that on hold for the time being. Shall I take...
  20. weezebegs

    Fish Swap

    Well I have just lost 2 neon's out of five that I bought on Monday so that leaves me with 3 neons which isn't really a shoal. My tank is not happy at the moment, I have 4 penguin tetra'a and 1 seams to be a bully and has nipped big holes out of my guppies tails ( Doesn't seam to bother him...
  21. weezebegs

    Albino Cory

    further update.....have now ordered online some bogwood.... If I put some sand in how do you do a gravel clean !!!!!
  22. weezebegs

    Albino Cory

    well that's tomorrow sorted out then....plant my plants... :good:
  23. weezebegs

    New To The Hobby - Corydoras Tank

    Looking good can't wait to see the finished look
  24. weezebegs

    Albino Cory

    I was thinking about easy is that to keep... also I have bought some live plants that come in those pots, do people leave them in those forever or do you replant them .....
  25. weezebegs

    Albino Cory

    This make be a strange question but can i mix coloured sand in with gravel to break it up a bit...has anybody tried this
  26. weezebegs

    loving my tank

    loving my tank
  27. weezebegs

    Fish-In Cycle Question

    I too have just completed a fish in cycle after bad advice from LFS, and got great help and support on here. It took me about 6 weeks to cycle and my Ammonia never went over .5 and I managed to keep it at .25 with daily waterchanges . It is hard work and can be done, on the down side I did...
  28. weezebegs

    Fish Dead Already

    The same as always float the bag for about 15/20 mins open the bag and let a small amount of water in and then gradually let them swim out. do you think that is wrong....please tell me if it is as I would rather know for next time, did I not float them enough. I only live 10 mins from LFS so...
  29. weezebegs

    My Complete Roma 125 Journal.

    Keep up the journal I am loving it...and your new tank
  30. weezebegs

    Fish Dead Already

    The fact that the fish was dead within 2 hours I was somewhat surprised. They LFS know how long my tank has been going for and didn't mention anything about mature tanks ... Water readings all fine, been testing every other day whilst finishing off my cycle.. also how many fish would you put...
  31. weezebegs

    Albino Cory

    Hi, just bought 2 cory's today...unexpectedly when I went to my LFS. Already in love with them, so thought I would have a read here for some advice, and have noticed most cory photo's have sand.....I have gravel is this a problem !!
  32. weezebegs

    Fish Dead Already

    Well after a long patient time waiting to finally cycle ... (with Danio fish and later with guppies....I know !!! ..under bad advice from LFS...not my fault you know the story) I went and purchased 5 neon tetra today, wanted something colourful as this is a family tank for the kids. Well you...
  33. weezebegs

    Guppy's Tail

    Thanks ....totally unrelated but under my profile my photo shows but not when I am in the forums....what am I doing wrong...
  34. weezebegs

    Guppy's Tail

    Well I can't institgate the naughty corner in the fish tank :lol: so what do I do to minimise more nipping
  35. weezebegs

    Guppy's Tail

    3 Danios 4 Guppies 4 Penguin Tetra 2 Shrimp one of the Zanios is a bit dominent
  36. weezebegs

    Guppy's Tail

    I have a yellow tailed Guppy and it looks like the tail has split in still swimming normally though. Is this ok ? :huh:
  37. weezebegs


    Today I did my weekly big clean, rinsed filter, cleaned glass, did a big gravel vac and loads of debris came up. After i re-filled the tank it still had loads of waste floating around, it has now settled down but shall I give it another vac tomorrow to try and get rid some of this excess...
  38. weezebegs

    Valentines Present

    My loving hubby went to the LFS to get some pet food and bought me home 2 no idea what type invoice just says "shrimp" very thoughtful of him but are they going to be suitable if my tank has not yet cycled almost there I think. And do I need to feed them anything special, I am...
  39. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    well now 5 weeks with my fish in cyle and my readings have been static for the last 4 days. Been doing daily water changes and gravel cleans and this weekend was the first time that I gave my filter a good clean......Yuk. My reading are still static at Ammonia .25 Nitrite 0 and nitrate is...
  40. weezebegs

    Can't Cycle

    I am the same as you tank been running since 9th January with fish in cycly and still getting Ammonia .25 nitrate 0 nitrite 0 Will be intereted in your repies