New To The Hobby - Corydoras Tank

You should wait around 30 minutes before testing the ammonia level. :)
Bought the stand for the tank today, build it, and set up the whole thing here some pictures of the process.


Redoing the room


New spot for all the dvd's


Building the the stand




All in place, time to fill it up


Sand added


Filled with water and lights on.

Yesterday we decorated the tank with some wood, rocks and plants, here some pics.








Atm waiting for my first ammonia drop, so ill update when it happens :D
You don't mention what you're using to feed the plants (some of them look live?) A new tank filled with tap water can be a place without food for plants!

~~waterdrop~~ :)
Great photos!

Your background looks great.
Looking good :good:

Now a daft question... :blush: how do you keep your bogwood at the top of the tank??
Looking good :good:

Now a daft question... :blush: how do you keep your bogwood at the top of the tank??

They float ! But because of the current they tend to move alot, so we wedged one between 2 corners, the other one is stuck into the backwall with a nail, and the third just floats about a bit.

As for my cycle, still no ammonia drop, to get rid of the tannin wich color the water yelloish I did a 50% waterchange, when I tested the water again the ammonia readings where still max
, so I guess there was just to much in the water. Should go down faster now cause the plants should consume some of the ammonia. Also decided to do a 10% waterchange each other day from now on to prevent any algea from forming.
Tannins are good for fish :good: depends if you like yellow water...

Waterchanges aren't necessary during a fishless cycle,for one it may knock your readings about.

What is your reading for ammonia? ,if its above 5ppm it may grow the wrong bacteria...
Before the waterchange it was like 10 mg/l (which is the same as ppm I think) after the waterchange the color was slightly lighter between 5 and 10. I got a sera testkit.
after the waterchange the color was slightly lighter between 5 and 10.

I'd do another WC, 30-50%. Then redose if you have to to get the ammonia level back up. Having levels of 8ppm can mean you're growing the wrong type of bacteria as Harlequins said.
ok I did another 30% waterchange, and the ammonia is now 5 or between 1-5, still very hard to read, the colors on the chart always look a bit diffrent.

After inspecting the tank I noticed a new inhabitant in the tank, a small snail walking across the floating wood. After inspecting the wood more closly I noticed it was coverd in white stuff, it looks like the stuff a spidersnest is made off but more slimey. Are these algea? or maybe some fungus or something? they only seem to be on the wood. The weird thing is that I didnt notice it before the water change, maybe I just didnt look close enough or could something in the water be the cause? see pics. Any advice would be welcome.


weird white stuff


new inhabitant

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