New To The Hobby - Corydoras Tank

Ok did some research and apparantly it is nothing to worry about. It is a common problem with new driftwood, this thread says that the snails should consume it.

I swear I can see the snail growing by the minute.

hehe indeed, just hope the snails wont go out of control :D they fertilize their own eggs so if there is enough food I will have loads of em soon >.< but we will see :D
Snails are fun as long as they don't get out of control.
Yhea, they are quite fast too. I just counted 12 of them, gonna see how it is in 2 days, if there are many more then ill do something about them
Yay good news, today I finally noticed a drop in ammonia so I started measuring no2 and sure enough I found around 1-2 mg/l. Since I changed like 80% of my water last friday alot of things got kicked into gear, suddenly snails started to live and the wood got covered by fungus, so this was certainly a good thing.

Here a lil graph of the process (not that the nh3 prolly wasn't accurate the first days, the test-kit just gave the max reading):


On day 5 we added the plants and wood, so that explains the drop in PH.
And on day 8 I did a large waterchange, after that the tank started to live, I guess there was to much ammonia for any live before the waterchange.
Nice to see some progress! WD

Yhea its exciting to see the colors finally changing.

As for the snails, I think they are about to take over the world
they are all over the place, they are taking care of the fungus but now they are on my plants too. Im gonna try to get rid of them using the fill a small jar with lettuce trap, all we had left is some rucola so I hope they like that

only just noticed this thread

can;t believe your a fishkeeping newbie your tank looks ace in that pic wish mine looked similar

corys will look great in it and I reckon with the dark backfround plants and wood that rummynose would really look well in there :good:

Good luck

Simon :good:
only just noticed this thread

can;t believe your a fishkeeping newbie your tank looks ace in that pic wish mine looked similar

corys will look great in it and I reckon with the dark backfround plants and wood that rummynose would really look well in there :good:

Good luck

Simon :good:

thanks,those rummynoses look cool still havnt decided what fish to take next to the corys so these will be taken into consideration :D . As for the plants had to remove some of them cause they just didnt really work. Some are growing really good like the echinodorus ozelot and the ceratophyllum demersum which is 3/4 to the surface now towering over all the others. Ill update with some new pictures soon.
The snails did the job of removing the fungus from the driftwood, but when most of the fungus was gone I saw them on my plants so I decided to take action. Alot of the snails where still on the driftwood, so I just removed the driftwood from the tank and that alone got rid of like 20 snails. I can still find some in the tank but they are a lot less of them now.

As for my cycle, good news my ammonia is being processed in 24h, and my nitrite is off the charts.
Why don't you get yourself an assassin snail?

My cycle is at the exact same stage, good work! :good:
Beautiful tank!
If you want to get rid of those pest snails, as said, buy a single Assassin Snail :good:

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