Sick Cory


Fish Fanatic
Jan 22, 2011
Reaction score
Leigh on Sea - UK
I have a lifless Albino Cory....sitting on the floor under the plants for shelter not swimming.

Very occassionally swims, even when I feed them he doesn't seem fussed.

Not gasping, showing no symptoms of anything, water tested fine.

Just about to do a water change....any ideas please
Sorry just realised not enough info.

48l tank, planted with live plants, bogwood, moss ball

4 guppies, 3 Danios, 4 Penguin Tetra.

Water changing twice a week.

Had the Cory's for about 2 weeks now, the poorly one was spot on yesterday it's just today that he/she has become lifeless
You still didn't say how many Cory's and are they all the same type? If its on its own it is probably lonely, and does it have access to a hidey hole if its feeling stressed by its tank mates that it might not be used to yet (I'm guessing the cory is a new addition to the tank), and the other inhabitants can be rather excitable. If its not interested in its normal food try some live food, I used to have an albino cory that loved earthworms, and my current schools of cory's adore blood worms and I've even seen them chase down mosquito wrigglers. Hope this helps a bit.
Good news my Cory seems a bit brighter today after the water change.

I have 2 cory's and they always swim around together but my poorly one has just been sulking on the floor.
He is still not back to himself, mainly still on the floor, but he is more interested in eating and is occasionally swimming too.

I shall keep an eye on him over the weekend.

The only thing different I just realised is that last week I added some bogwood, but surely that hasn't upset him
Well I have no update really, stil can't see any obvious signs of illness.

the little chappie has a good swim/feed then spends the next few hours just laying on the bed or resting againt the bogwood.
If I didn't know better I woud say he looks sad....

He used to be so active has anybody had this with a cory before ??

todays readings are

temp 24

ph 7.6
Ammonia .25 ( water change is due but going on holiday at the weekend so waiting till tomorrow)
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5.

Any suggestions would be appreciated

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