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    cutting back a amazon sword

    I find that scraping BBA on Amazon is not too difficult, especially if its a big turf. Smaller one will tear the leaf along when pulled.
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    water temp

    Jakarta, Indonesia :D ... heavy rain start coming here so hope it'll get more cooler :whistle:
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    water temp

    Oh man.. I told you to get a fan, now you wanna put intercooler :rofl: Fan will make surface agitation but not so much a loss of CO2 though, not in my case with pressurized CO2. Would you believe that the best temperature I got with fan is 24C, and average daily is around 25-27 ?, here is the...
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    Is 5.3 wpg to much ?

    :lol: :lol: Oh well.. its always hard for me to get a feeling in inches, gallons, etc. Where I came from, all standards are in metrics, much easier :P 19" tall is around 47cm, so similar to 60x30x45cm standard here I guess. As for the amount of light, I think that should be decided by what...
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    Re-doing my 30g for Plants...

    Its quite easy to "grow" them on driftwood. Just spread the moss over the wood thinly and tie it around with fishing thread about half an inch apart. After the moss grow, the thread will be covered. Similarly to ferns, tie around the root to the wood just enough to secure it in place, but after...
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    Is 5.3 wpg to much ?

    I think the tank is 18 gallon not 18 inches tall :rolleyes: ?
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    Hair Algae!!

    Is it a newly setup tank ? it often happens to new tank. If you use substrate fertilizer, you don't want to add column ferts yet for the first month. As long as you keep weekly 50% water changes for a month or two, good CO2 level (20-30ppm) and balanced nutrient, your plant will finally beat the...
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    Plant ID

    Yup.. its Limnophila Sessiliflora. But in case you are asking for the one on the left, it is Limnophila Aromatica. :lol:
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    Is 5.3 wpg to much ?

    Not necessarily too much. Mine is 17gal/56L with 110W PL. Just need to make sure about nutrient level & CO2, as more light means more uptake, and more robust growth.
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    Java Moss

    Its one of the most undemanding plant. Just take a clump and spread it thin. You may also want to attach it to small rocks / wood and make nice portable pieces for aquascaping. Will grow just fine without CO2 or low light. They like cool water though, 22-24C is best. Some plant / algae eating...
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    water temp

    I live in the same region as you are, so probably daytime temperature can go as high as 30-31 C, a little too high for the plants, although may be OK for tropical fish. Get a fan (clip over the tank / DIY), will help cool down around 2-3 degrees.
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    Clipping plants?

    Looks like a rotala genus. You can clip half length of it and plant the cliping and you'll double it :lol:
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    Planted 33 gallon

    I think HOB gets to much air exposure and counter productive to the CO2. Not that the O2 replaces CO2, but rather CO2 gets wasted in HOB trickle like filtration. This may applied to DIY/Canister CO2. But in non-CO2 addition tank, it helps adding CO2 from the air into the water. As for...
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    is this ok for my java fern?

    Just make sure the rocks placement do not accidentely damage any part of the plant though, especially when you move your hands around for tank maintenance.
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    Converted Half of Tank to Real Plants

    Aahh.. finally a convert :lol: you won't regret it, trust me. If you make the plants healthy, any fish will be thankfull to you :lol: :lol:
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    The Brothers

    thanks Link, wow... just one minute apart :lol:
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    The Brothers

    and this what a brotherhood is all about :lol: . I can beat yaa big brother :lol: :lol:
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    The Brothers

    and here is Wiki new brother :P , Bruno a 4 months Yellow Labrador Retriever, and they become brothers the moment they met :wub:
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    The Brothers

    Here is my :wub: Wolf, AKA Wiki, 2 years old Golden Retriever. such a perfect pose :D
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    Algae Emergency

    @Yeaulman, seems you do have the brush algae. Its one of the worst kind to combat. Do throw off the affected leaves and get some algae eater. SAE (siamesse algae eater) has worked in my experience. I've heard also that Florida Flag Fish will do the same benefit, and perhaps easier for you to...
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    plant id

    it will be better if you show how it looks in the water. :D
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    Algae Emergency

    @Yeaulman, you have a medium-high tank with that lighting setup. In this realm, it is important to balance the whole elements. These will be the amount of CO2, various nutrition for the plants, bio load, water quality, etc. I find this site a good general reference for understanding planted...
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    Plant advantges

    Sarkis, 30 watt & purple light will be inadequate to make your 46gallon a planted tank. Especially by the light color you described, it is most likely not a bulb for plants. Change the bulb to the one with 5500-6500Kelvin (daylight), and hopefully you can increase the wattage as well to give you...
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    Thematic Photos

    @bunjiweb, I'm Indonesian :D , and that fish is naturally a native species here :lol:
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    Thematic Photos

    Oops.. and here is the elusive fella - Gastromyzon Borneensis :P
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    Thematic Photos

    @bunjiweb, thanks :) to be exact it is 60x30x36cm.
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    I once lived in a shoe, actually two.

    wow... its so gorgeous :cool: . Lovely rock formation. You must have a steady hands placing those boulders :lol:
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    I used to think that neon is hard to keep because they kept dying in my tank. Yes they are inherently weak and need stable slightly acidic water condition. But most importantly, they and most other small fishes need to be acclimatized properly for temparature and water condition. Put the unopen...
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    Thematic Photos

    Thank you all for the compliments :D . Its a 5 months old tank that has been through many changes in layout :) . I'm quite a newbie in this and this is my first planted tank. @willywonka099, its glossostigma elatinoides. And yes @endparenthesis, it grow flat because of high amount of light...
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    Plant advantges

    for me, its just love at the first sight with planted tank :wub:
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    careful of what you're wishing for :D But if you really want it, you need to up the light to over 100 watt, trim down the heavy plant, dont change the water for about 1 month, and overfeed your fish terribly :rofl:
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    Need Fish ID

    Ooo... you guys are too kind :D
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    Thematic Photos

    Hi all, just wanna share some pictures of my 17 gal community tank to you all. Hope you'll like it :D :fish:
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    Need Fish ID

    wow... thanks danio2004 for such a prompt reply :D
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    Need Fish ID

    Hi all, need a bit help on ID of this: thanks.