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    Rogues Gallery

    hello here is me Andy, Le and I are meant to be hugging each other but I had to spilt the picture to get it on here here you go god i look rough
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    My new giraffe catfish

    hi long time since i have posted but the gentle giant shown is also a fish i keep he is just under one year old @ present and is 14" long and fat he loves his jmc catfish pellets. he is a gentle giant BUT they are very keen on having there own area and will fight with anything that comes his way...
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    just saying hi to everyone

    hello there think i will be fairly local to you where you are what a brilliant forum this is hope you enjoyed it as much as me
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    im the new one

    hi there just a quick one to say welcome to the forum any problems some one will sort you out :P
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    Two more rescued Gars

    thanks cf know what you are saying think i will leave it well alone and have heard of that fatty thing going on as well did not release it caused that i stand corrected once again by god lol but i am sure i only put i think anyway lol. but they do have some cool fish even if they dont know...
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    Two more rescued Gars

    yeah it is a garden centre i am also 45 mins away from there. yeah the arrowna was in with the rays and he did have two eyes but the second one had the droop syndrom i think caused by looking at the bottom of the tank to much while swimming at the top watching say the rays in this instance. and...
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    Two more rescued Gars

    hiya there claire think i know the shop your on about is it the one near a tram museum because i heard those two storys the other day about catfish and snakehead and saw the walago in there and the black doridids i wanted the snakehead but they wanted to much for him. and the arrowana with a bad...
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    haplosternum cats

    i have one of these fish i you would like to pm me i can try to take some good photos of it
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    :P plus the media will not last that long so would be no good anyway sorry to be a bearer of bad news in my experience i would say max for any bacteria to live would be four hours
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    Bought a book on fish keeping

    yeah my humpback puffer puffed up just before he died he was massive like a size four football and i would totally agree that trying to make them puff would be very un healthly and stressful for the fish something i would never even think of trying :P
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    Bought a book on fish keeping

    i thought the things that made the toxins / and the fish posionous was in there natural diet and most of the fish i am sure do not get there natural diet in captivity there fore making the fish harmless :D i only say THINK but the person that said this has a huge amount of experience in...
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    New Fish

    i am sorry for being thick but cannot see anything on planet catfish that is the same under yellowtail like i say mine is a tiger shovel nose / red tail and have found other pictures on the web but under tiger hybrid/ marbled shovel nose like i say not saying you are right or wrong just mine...
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    New Fish

    many thanks to everyone for there replys but yeah i know the trouble they could and might cause but the homes they came from were much worse eg: the tiger shovel nose cross redtail has been stuck in a two foot tank for all its life not good so all i could do was try and give it a good home. as...
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    New Fish

    hello there everyone just to let you no what i got today a couple of new fish 1 x redtailed catfish/tiger shovel nose hybrid 1 x clarius catfish they are bloody brill sorry but just had to tel someone as i know you people are semi likely to be interested.. ps: does anyone please know the...
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    tiger shovel nose

    i cannot give answers for sure that i know are right but i got told when i first bought my first shovel cat that the spines are very bad for you and would need to go to hospital ...... BUT Saying this i am more informed know about fish as a whole and have never seen any other info regarding...
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    very good and very well done will keep watching
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    What do you make of this - on ebay

    shoot the seller how cruel is that :/
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    Putting hands in water

    i pet my red tail catfish all the time he loves it he comes up for a stroke and then grabs his food and goes back down again.
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    Which Pet Store do you like the most?

    first off i would never get any thing from petsmart as they r crap in every way they know stuff all about anything interesting @ all and they make things up instead of saying look i dont no and make them selves look like bigger dics i would Always go to PERRYS AQUATICS for any commi fish and...
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    Who names their fish?

    i only name some of our fish the fav ones and the ones with the most character ie: bruce red tailed catfish :P
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    dragon(king kong ) puffer

    dont know if this will help but i got my last puffer and it was called a dragon puffer in the shop. could not find anything out about it until cfc and ryan came on and told me they were sometimes called hunchback puffers as well there you go that was mine hope this helps you out mine was about...
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    Polys Dinner Mark ii

    just to back up what cfc has said (as if he needs it lol) my ornate eats whitebait and shrimps through you will not see him do it very ofton. my senegal bircher will eat live goldfish when i used to feed them but ornate would not. so there you go very fussy eaters but like GOD says put the food...
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    hand feeding fire eels

    i have found when trying to tame my eels / fish the best way is put your arm in with the food and keep still they will then realise that your hand is not going to harm them. after a while it could be a short or as long while it will get used to you , then you can start moving your arm up the...
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    Dragon Goby

    only my humble opion but a lot of the dragons over hear are the brackish water ones hence why they do lnot last very long. have never heard or seen any freshwater ones over here so cannot coment on this but like i say the main reason i think why the brackish ones are not lasting is because they...
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    mmm lunch

    touchy subject here then just i think the main reasons for dissagreement here is on a commi tank side of it if a fish dies then you can get it out fairly quick and even if not the chances of it getting eaten is slim (not nibbled) compared to tanks like mine or cfc's and plenty more members i am...
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    red parrets

    :P i have seen it in a couple of books about being sevrum (part off) i am sure gina sandford was the writer but other people have also given me this information too
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    Should I Keep the Puffer?

    i know others have said different and also every puffer can be different but i would not personally put either of those fish in with that puffer as i think the puffer would be the only one to win. example : my friends tank had various commi fish in it and she said she had trouble with some...
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    Do your fish try and feed on you, lol

    yeah a lot of my fish feed from my fingers and try and eat my fingers too my oscars they try to chew the end of my finger the arrowana trys to take the end of my finger off as does the tyre track eel the pengasius cat lets me stroke his head while feeding and stoke his side also bruce comes up...
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    most expenisve/cheapest fish you bought

    most expensive was bruce my wonderful red tail @ £80.00 and the cheapest would have to be a selection of my larger fish that were rescue fish and therefore free of charge £0.00
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    where and

    thanks but am looking for this months fotm
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    Juwel system filters

    :P jewel tanks are designed with those filters to work on a normal tank, ie rio 240 filled with normal commi fish and will cope well. on mine because i have some larger than normal fish i have the jewel filter plus 4 external filters i have over 6000 litres an hour being recycled on a 400 litr...
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    another puffers question

    all i can do is echo the comments of everyone else dont bother mate most of your fish will go and the kribs are likely to get harresed to death why not buy a new tank and do a species setup :P good luck with whatever you decide
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    Dwarf Puffers with other fish?

    just a quick note as well as the question ref: puffers what about your pictus i am sure they will eat your guppys in not two much time. and another thing is that puffers should not be poisonous @ all after being kept in captivty for a while beacuse it is only there natural diet that makes the...
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    Hello everyone!

    welcome to you this has got to be the best place for fish info i have found , have asked really tricky questions and someone has always come back with a answer really helpful // dont forget the live chat toooooooooooo have fun speak soon :P
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    welcome to the forums mate hopefully someone will be able to answer your questions for you i have not been foxed yet .. we are all really friendly :P
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    Pleco fins

    depends on what size tank you have i would say only one on the norm but with my tank i have two common sail fin plecs in and when the smaller one first went in the bigger one would chase it all the time sometimes damaging the fins of the other one but after a couple of days everything was normal...
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    yeah mine were kept in a tank with other fish that where feed everynight but the pictus would only come out when they were hungry hence the fat belly and mine loved eating high protein catfish pellets :P
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    Fire Eel

    can only echo what cfc has said that they do need a big tank and they are fussy eaters as i no personally could not get any of my three to last very long @ all they basically to cut a long story short killed them selves by not eating after trying to get mine to eat various things including...
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    where and

    no i am not a newbie but please where has june fotm gone please or is it just because it has not started yet as can see the tanks ones but not the betta of fish one many thanks