red parrets


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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is it true they are a hybrid? if so what made them, i know parrets but what else?
the parrot is the result of hybridization, not an "ingredient". I've never seen anything definitive on what genetically is in a Parrot, but I think it's safe to assume convicts and possibly midas/red devils. Who knows what else.

Anyone read anything at least a little authoritative and can link it? Love to read it.
Yeh, they are Severum x Red Devil hybrids. The jellybean parrots are Convicts x parrot (Severum x Red Devil).
thanks for answering so fast
wow, im supprised that they look like what they do from what theyre parrents are.

what do jellybean parrots look like? i googled them but there were no pics.
luxum said:
Yeh, they are Severum x Red Devil hybrids. The jellybean parrots are Convicts x parrot (Severum x Red Devil).
I've heard the severum mix before but never seen anything written on it outside of message boards. Any links? Seriously, nothing against you, I would just really like to see the info for my own education. :)
Well of course these are web sources which are only as accurate as the author, i can't confirm the accuracy.

Here is a listing on DeathbyDyeing about the jellybeans which mentions their hybrid makeup as well as the makeup of the parrotfish.

Entry in online animal encyclopedia

Another site listed quite a few other cichlids as possibly being part of the cross, and there be more than one hybrid being labeled with the same name. :dunno:
I have 3 Jellybean Parrots. They are pure white, are a little more ovalish than round and have a face like a convict. A Blood Parrot has many speculations on what it's parents are. Nobody knows for sure, there are only good guesses. It could be Red Devil, Midas or Sevrum. And they are hybrids, so the males are steril. The female lays eggs, but only 1% of all male Blood Parrots are fertile so thats when you can have a severum or convict fertilize the Female BP's eggs. When a convict fertilizes the BP's eggs, the fry are called Jellybeans. Now LFS's have kind of thrown off hobbyists by using this name (Jellybean Parrot) for dyed Jellybeans AND dyed Blood parrots. But really, a Jellybean is a cross between a Blood Parrot and a Convict. The reason why people created Jellybean Parrots was because the mature and grow faster so they could dye more than blood Parrots. Still Dyed Parrots can be both Jellybeans and Blood Parrots, but LFS's call them Jellybeans.

I got my Jellybeans when they were still Juveniles. They were black then. Then their colors faded and now they are white/salmon colored. I have a male conict in the tank with them so when they lay eggs, he can fertilize them. I love them so much~
luxum said:
Well of course these are web sources which are only as accurate as the author, i can't confirm the accuracy.

Here is a listing on DeathbyDyeing about the jellybeans which mentions their hybrid makeup as well as the makeup of the parrotfish.

Entry in online animal encyclopedia

Another site listed quite a few other cichlids as possibly being part of the cross, and there be more than one hybrid being labeled with the same name. :dunno:
Thanks dude :cool:
Severum x Red Devil? you ever seen a green parrot? cause i havnt..
There just a deformed Midas, and now i hear they can breed them, and i seen pics not to long ago of a parrot looking after fry.
:p i have seen it in a couple of books about being sevrum (part off)

i am sure gina sandford was the writer

but other people have also given me this information too
So the tale goes.....

But honestly no one but the breeders/creators actually know. Its a guarded secret. Most likely they are not a hybrid at all but Citrinellum (or another species) with a genetic mutation.
Some of the colour variation the the colours of the parrot fish are a result of dying the fish and will fade over time so a loss of investment for a cruel exploit......ah well.

As for the mix of severum red devil i whole heartedly agree. of the three severums i keep, one is deforemd. His body is the shape of the parrot, but not as stocky, his parents were both gold severums so i can vouch for the validity of him. The fish also has red flecks, rather than non existent or green/blue. The youngster is currently courting a young gold sev and im wondering whether it would be wise to let them breed, will post a pic of the little guy when i get home, just gotta survive two biology exams in half an hour EEEEEEEEEEEP :crazy:
Wow oddball, i would really like to see it. Does it look like a Blood Parrot at all, like anything about it?
Someone also tryed to tell me that they came from a Parrot Cichlid, this is not true as you can see they look way differnt and Parrot cichlids are much larger.

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