Dwarf Puffers with other fish?


Devils Advocate
May 24, 2004
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I was wondering if I could put a dwarf puffer or two in with the fish listed in my thirty gallon if I had a lot of hiding places. I don't know if the pictus would try to eat them, I don't think he would but one never knows. If he did would they be okay or will my pictus end up choking to death on a puffer? I was also thinking of getting two rams for the tank too. If it this doesn't seem plausible then no biggy, I was just wondering for future reference.
I wouldn't attempt it with the Pictus cat in there. Although he may be behaving now the cat will eventually try to eat anything that fits in his mouth, and eating a puffer is usually fatal to the other fish (puffers are poison).
Also the Puffers will have one hello of a ball with the Guppies tails, get them some sunglasses and watch the get towed around the tank... the guppies may not be too happy though :whistle:
just a quick note as well as the question ref: puffers

what about your pictus i am sure they will eat your guppys in not two much time.

and another thing is that puffers should not be poisonous @ all after being kept in captivty for a while beacuse it is only there natural diet that makes the skin posionous and we all know we don't feed um that.

ps: the above is from a article in practical fishkeeping mag (july)

link below to mag website
Practical Fishkeeping
not me trying to be clever

even through, if the pictus did try to eat the puffer it is more than likely that the guppys would of gone first and that if it did get it into his mouth would more than likely not manage to swallow it hence the puffer puffing.

hope this is of some use
Well, thanks for the advice, I guess I'll just have to put them on the backburner for a bit. No biggy, the only store around here that would have them is about three hours away anyways. If only I had more tanks and even more cash..... :X

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