another puffers question


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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hi everyone, alright before i even start doing reesarch about puffers and the different types that i should get, i'm wondering if it's even possibel to keep one (maybe two) waht the tank that i have so far.


3 femael bettas
3 otos
3 shrimps
3 guppies (a male, 2 females)
2 kribs (a pair)

Would something terrible happen if i decide to add in one of those litte puffers that i see from walmart? i'm very curious about them but i'm worried about the kribs and female betats the most.

thanks for any adivce :)
just curios what walmart? i am in texas and we can not get puffers in our store.
also just to let you know if you put that puffer if it is a true puffer then you can say good bye to some of your fish.. they may eat or beat them up.. i here they are very aggressive fish.. and puffers i don't think get along with crabs...i am not an expert on this but that is what i hear..
i'm in canada :D the walmart i saw was located in ontario :)

and i was talking about kribensis, a type of cichlid :D not crabs lol. I think i may have to leave the puffers :) the kribs look like they're already aggressive enough..never knew puffers were so aggressive too :(
oh , ok sorry about that was just reading to fast not really paying attention.. cool maybe i can get some i will have to ask i bet i could sell them really well in my store.. of course i would have to get a printout of info for my customers first.. but i do that with alot of my fish i sell now..
eat your shrimp, nip at the guppies and fight untill it dies with the kribs, i think, don't own any but am trying to get a tank for some set up right now
all i can do is echo the comments of everyone else dont bother mate most of your fish will go and the kribs are likely to get harresed to death

why not buy a new tank and do a species setup :p

good luck with whatever you decide
yeah but hten i'll hav eto get another heater/filter and everything :D too much money, unless i find a cheap tank :shifty:

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