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  1. Zenn

    Otocinclus Affinis

    Oh my little family are doing well on their duty too, getting worried they almost cleaned the entire 3ft tank amoung themselves, and their colour and size has improved since i bought them, and thats was only about a week ago, they were faded and pretty see through, due to stress and such but now...
  2. Zenn

    What's The Dea With Otos

    Ive recently got 5 little oto's and they seem to be fine, ok two have settled down, they know where to feast on the algea, where as the three most recent are darting back and forth, but i draw the conclusion it is because they are very young, because they are very small, now ive kept all kinds...
  3. Zenn

    Otocinclus Affinis

    and here are some pictures of the little ones Jimmy (though to be renamed) Is the largest and the calmest, aint scare of nothing or no one, just goes about the business as usual This is timmy second largest and again peaceful and collected, does run away and hide, and doesnt go flinting...
  4. Zenn

    Has Anyone Bred Otos?

    If you could get me a pic of a male it would be great, guess i will have to rename jimmy then as he appears to be a she insted XD I am trying to get some pictures of my babies, however the blady little blighters wont stay still long enough for me to get a picture
  5. Zenn

    Has Anyone Bred Otos?

    sorry i think i missed the post on how to tell which is male and which is female?
  6. Zenn

    Otocinclus Affinis

    I will try to get some, but the tiny little buggers are always darting around the tank, timmy an jimmy who are the two largest ones have settled down and you can always tell where they are, but the three tiny ones are swimming against the flow of the filter, or rolling over in the bubbles of the...
  7. Zenn

    Otocinclus Affinis

    I recently managed to get my hands on a fish i have been after for so long. Otocinclus. Yaay and when i saw them i bought the whole lot in the store, they only had 5, or else i would of bought more. Now this is my question, i have one otocinclus that persues some of the others, and when i say...
  8. Zenn

    Concerned about my angels

    Thankyou for your help, though some of the medication you mentioned i have never heard of, or seen i will see what Chiltern Aquatics has and see if i can get in contact with Rob to see if he knows Thanks again, i guess i will do another water change and sort out the water today
  9. Zenn

    Concerned about my angels

    I cant really see in that area, i will check for eggs though, but they didnt go for their food like normal today, they just sat behind those rocks and from what i can tell yes they are pooping right, but if they have spawned, why aint angus closing his mouth right and why is his top lip sticking...
  10. Zenn

    Concerned about my angels

    Well, the filter is at the other end of the tank from the corner in the picture i posted up, but just above them is the powerhead which helps keep the water circulating, to ensure filtering, but as i said there are places in the tank i created just for the angels where there is no flow, however...
  11. Zenn

    Concerned about my angels

    Just as abit extra, i have noticed that Angus lips are protruding more than normal and his breath is rather odd, as in he aint really closing his mouth, is there anyone who is going to help me here?
  12. Zenn

    Concerned about my angels

    Ok, here it is, a few days ago i noticed my young swordie's got a ancy for fin nipping, and kept nipping my angels fins, to the point my angels clamped down their fins and wouldnt let a swordie got behind them incase they nipped their fins again, so i removed the young swordies and put thm in my...
  13. Zenn

    Angel fishys

    You missed one though with Red Tail Black sharks, they can, and are RARELY peaceful, but it is possible to get a peaceful RTB shark... I have three angels in with my red tail black shark and if anything he keep far away from them, i feared that when i got him he would argue with my double black...
  14. Zenn

    Fellow MTS sufferers

    You look at all these list you realise what lucky fish we have, and how many fish have good homes out there, but still goes to show that we cant house enough of then to save them from the suffering they have to endure in careless fish retailers outlets...
  15. Zenn

    Livebearers and Angels?

    Mariah, i tell you from the experience i have, currently at this moment i have three angels in a tank full of livebearers and Neons and they are just fine, however the angels have been nipped a few times by mistake by my swordies mistaking their flowing fins for flakes... If you worried about...
  16. Zenn

    Fellow MTS sufferers

    I have; 2 Golden Rudd 3 Black Tetra Neons 10 Swordies 1 common pleco 3 Angels 1 Red tail black shark 1 Silver tip tetra 2 Siamese Algae eaters In the past i have kept 2 alantic goldfish 1 Japanese Loach 7 Golden Rudd 12 Blue Tetra Neons 4 Black Tetra Neons 33 Swordtails 2 Leapod mollies 10...
  17. Zenn


    Well actually i give all my fish a huge range iof foods, live, dry, veggies and all sorts, i love seeing them race to me when i go to feed them... As for the tank, i think he loves it actually, its well planted (Even if they are artifical) has TONES, and i mean TONES of caves and flat surfaces...
  18. Zenn

    What's your favorite Pleco

    I like sailfin pleco, they are graceful in their movements and quite a power pack, however as gentle as a fly, i had one before and the fish accidentally nipped it from now to then confusing it with rockery and uit never moved and sometimes would warn fish off by flicking up it huge sail fin...
  19. Zenn

    Do you think I should say something?

    I would just query (sp?) into it mate, find out through other question rather than striking out the point you are trying to make and you could probably advise them in area's and tell them it would look very good, because the thing that bring fishkeepers joy is when a person come into their house...
  20. Zenn


    Ok, i been loving it, my red tail black shark has been all over the tank, swimming around happily and growing up into a really handsome young male sharky, but today he is resting down, only poising himself on his anal, pelvic fins and using his pectoral fins to hold his position, so i was...
  21. Zenn

    Misleading Labels at PetSmart, LFS etc.

    At Pets at Home they have Red Tail black sharks labelled as Gentle fish that are great in community, now ok, this is true is there was only one, but talk about setting a bad example by throwing every shark related spieces into one tank and allow them to kill each other, GREAT move Pets at home...
  22. Zenn

    Exchanging Fish

    I actually concor with your comment, it is a prime example of how poor people buy fish, because of lack of understanding on the employees behalf, and the lack of being able to facilitidate the requirements of the fish they are actually trying to sell, when i buy a fish from Pets At Home i spend...
  23. Zenn

    Gold shark

    Anyone got a picture, you got me interested in this "Gold shark" i have never seen or heard of one before ;)
  24. Zenn

    My red tail black shark

    I swear i posted yesterday here Well the water perameters are fine, or as Rob put it perfect (Rob owns Chilten aquatics, i got him to test my water for me since i never done it before) Plus my tank is 36" x 18" x 12" which is suitable for a Red Tail Black shark... I know what i am doing from...
  25. Zenn

    Exchanging Fish

    Now i only do this for a couple of reason, one if the fish dies, i take i back for a replacement because it goes under garantee, but only if the fish is actually dead, like my Red Tail black shark today, and so i got a replacement, because no one wants to waste money in this world, not when it...
  26. Zenn

    let's organize

    Well actually they might not be bettas but i was shocked and appalled the other day when i went to get my new RTB shark (who died less than two hours ago for unknown reason :-(:rip: and be sure i am going down with him to complain, because my other fish are fine) But when i bought him, he was...
  27. Zenn

    My red tail black shark

    NOOOOOOOOOOO! WHAT HAPPENED, WHY, FOR HEAVENS SAKE WHY?!?!? :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( If you havent guessed, he died, sometime between 11:30 and 2:30 while i was at college... He is under the seven day garantee, so i will go replace him later, but still :rip: The very first RTB shark to die...
  28. Zenn

    My red tail black shark

    I know about how aggressive Red Tail Black Sharks are towards their own spieces as well as other sharks, thats why i do only have one... His condition is getting worse, he is hovering near the surface now, i cant see whats wrong, all the other fish are fine whats wrong with him??? :(
  29. Zenn

    let's organize

    I am all for one bring cruelty to fish to end, at the end of the day fish are a living creature too, and every living thing deserves the right to live a full life, who are these people that believe that killing fish are fun, i get more and more depressed when i see a fish die... Its not fair...
  30. Zenn

    My red tail black shark

    Ok, from my experience with RTB sharks, this one is acting strangely, and i am fearing he is ill somehow, his two front barbs are folded back to his mouth and he seems to lay do alot in his cave, wedging himself in a small gap at the back of the cave that acts as a quick escape route for him...
  31. Zenn

    Do your fish yawn?

    The fish are plotting against us all, they are going to plan the great fishy escape... lol I got my pleco and RTB shark seem to rearrange my gravel, and build it up in places... When i had my bala shark, he used to make me jumped from picking up small bits of gravel and spit them out at the...
  32. Zenn

    Fish rumours

    My RTB shark is always swimming backwards, they dont drown from swimming backwards... Now think of it this way, us human dive under water, what do we do to stop us from drowning........ We hold our breath, so do you come to think that fish do the same, watch carefully mates, when a fish moves...
  33. Zenn

    Red tail black shark hes new at wont eat

    Sharks are jumpers, thats why in the research into sharks it always advises you to have the lid on and no open holes available at time and if you have the lid off, not to leave the tank unattended O.o Seriously, he might just feed at night, see my new Red tail black shark when ui first got him...
  34. Zenn

    Fish rumours

    Trust me, it is no myth about drowning a fish by pulling it backwards, i am glad you goldfish survived its ordeal, but you said you pushed him by his nose and pulled him gently by the tail, thats a good thing to do, because then you wont be appling pressure to just one part of his body and so he...
  35. Zenn

    Red tail black shark hes new at wont eat

    Me myself, i am too soft hearted, i could never, ever, ever feed baby fry to fish on purpose, i always raise them and allow them the chance to live their entire lives (That is if they dont die of illness) I guess i got a lucky pick the other day when i got me a new RTB shark, because he is more...
  36. Zenn

    pregnant guppie

    You have posted this in the wrong section deary, it belongs in the livebearers section I will help you none the less, Guppies are one of the many water bunies by my books, they will breed until there will be no more room in the tank to move... To tell if a guppy is prego, you look towards to...
  37. Zenn

    i got a 3 month old female guppy.

    Right first of all, do you have any male fry, young fry developing into males cannot produce seamen yet so i dont see her getting preggy through fry Second of all, Guppies normally always have a grvid spot, because it is not always a sign of babies, you can tell if you have developing fry...
  38. Zenn

    Red tail black shark hes new at wont eat

    Yeah this means he is more nocturnal then, he probably feeds at night, if you feel that he aint gettng enough food, place some sinking tablets before you go to bed and that, i sure he will find his way around to it, but as you can see he is more active in the dark, i find that most RTB shark...
  39. Zenn

    Hi-fin swordie

    I think it is a hi-fin lyretail, and yes it does look like the photo kittycat put up... I really hope it will heal up, it might improve his swimming even more
  40. Zenn

    Red tail black shark

    O.O Mate i only have one, i kept two before hand (please note not ast the same time, i bought one, he g aggressive and i gave him away, thn bought another on and she got aggressive and i sol her) but had to get rid of them because they got violent and started killing my swordies and i had...