Has Anyone Bred Otos?

when they hatch they will be well cute
if you got comunitie fish then ur babys will be
shy they might not come out till 1 week - 2 months.
trust me i know what it is like :nod:
Well, the fry from our first spawn are almost 6 months old, and I have seen them for the first time this morning spawning!! They are definitely the fry. Their moms are a lot bigger in the bellies and this little female isn't too eggy yet. I haven't collected eggs, they're spawning out of reach. Plus, probably brother and sister.

But at least I know what age they are able to breed at. Seems very similar to some of the cories.


A fantastic read Carmen.. so Corys isn't your only speciality eh..? :rolleyes: As you know I'm not far from you here in Newark Nottinghamshire.. so if you ever get enough young oto's then drop me a PM, I would be delighted to buy a few from you. It seems whenever I buy them from my LFS, they are so weak and die within the first few months.. would be nice to get hold of a few offspring from a healthy spawning pair. :)
What a great thread! They look adorable and you should be proud!(i know you are!) :good:
You seem to be doing a fine job, rescueing all those babies, and helping them along their way to become stunning, healthy adults! Great stuff!!! :good: :drool:
sorry i think i missed the post on how to tell which is male and which is female?

Hi Zenn

On page 3, there is a close up pic of one of my females. They are a bit bigger, with noticeably large bellies. The males are smaller, slimmer. I thought I had a pic of a male in this thread, but only on the first page during the spawn. Will have to dig one up and add it.

If you could get me a pic of a male it would be great, guess i will have to rename jimmy then as he appears to be a she insted XD

I am trying to get some pictures of my babies, however the blady little blighters wont stay still long enough for me to get a picture
I found this pic of my otto's eating a blanched dandelion leaf. On the leaf, you can see one of my eggy females, and on the front of the glass is one of the males.


They're such nutters.

how thy getting on now? just read it all :) they look well wicked more piccys plz :shifty:

They're all doing well. We've recently moved and they all survived the trip. I only see them when it's lights out though, so pics are a bit difficult to get. They all seem very healthy and females look nice and round again. Some more babies would be nice.


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