

May 2, 2004
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England (Bedfordshire)
Ok, i been loving it, my red tail black shark has been all over the tank, swimming around happily and growing up into a really handsome young male sharky, but today he is resting down, only poising himself on his anal, pelvic fins and using his pectoral fins to hold his position, so i was wondering, is it because he has a belly on him (I keep my fish WELL fed) or is he ill or something...

I DONT want to lose another Red Tail Black shark, i had one die on me and that one was the last one to die on me, please tell me this is nothing to worry about and he will be swimming about again soon enough

When i had my RTBS he often adopted this position. An RTBS will make its territory in a well planned aquarium which would ideally have a piece of bog wood, a large flat stone, and some free swiming space situated in one area. The RBTS will relish a high point too. And they are often seen, just resting on that peace of stone! :lol: Just test your water params and see if evrything checks out OK.

Live long and Prosper RTBS!
You say you like to feed them alot you don't feed alot of dry foods do you.
I just rearranged my tank, gave my RTBS a better environment for him, and he's started doing the same thing. Resting on a long piece of bogwood.
Well actually i give all my fish a huge range iof foods, live, dry, veggies and all sorts, i love seeing them race to me when i go to feed them...

As for the tank, i think he loves it actually, its well planted (Even if they are artifical) has TONES, and i mean TONES of caves and flat surfaces for him to hide in, if it is normally for them to do this, then it was just me being parnoid, i havent kept a RTB in ages, and the one before died on me and since then i have been very worried for Chip (My RTBS), but he is fine, out and about scouting the cave, and his favorite high point some happens to be where thf low from my filter is most strongest and he loves to fight against it as you can see from this photo of him doing it just yesterday



Bless his dear little soul


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